April 2nd CONT

36 0 1

When I arrive at the restaurant I rush behind the counter and grab my apron and a stack of menus

Logan's there and I approach him, "Where am I needed?" I ask.

He smiles at the sight of me, "east wing seating" he replies.

"Okay, you got it." I smile back.

"Oh and you better be paying me extra for this." I say before walking towards the dining room


After about a 5 and a half hour shift of seating customers, taking their orders and delivering food, I sit down on the bench outside to try and find transportation to get me home only to quickly realize something doesn't look quite right.

I walk back in the restaurant to find Logan

"Hey, so I need to get home, but there's like no transportation available. What's going on?" I ask him.

Brielle doesn't know this, but Logan changed the setting in her phone to make it look that way.

He scratches his head "Um, I'm not sure. But, uh I'll be leaving shortly. Would you like me to give you a ride home?" he offers.

I roll my eyes, "No, I don't want you to give me anything."

I look back at my phone, "But... on second thought... it doesn't look like I have a choice, so sure thank you." I say.

He nods, "Okay. I'll wait for you out back. It's the black pickup. Later brown eyes." he jingles his keys and walks out of the restaurant.

After he leaves, I take my apron off and set it in my cubby and then run to the bathroom. I  taker my work pants off and change into blue skinny jeans before taking my hair out of its usual slick-looking ponytail and let my wavy long dark hair fall naturally and lastly applying some lip gloss

I then leave the bathroom and the restaurant and walk out to find Logan sitting in his truck. He reaches over and opens the passengers upon seeing me. I step up and sit down.

I mean I'm used to sitting in a guy's truck now that I've been dating Jay since February, but it just feels weird, and honestly, I don't know why I trust Logan at all. He's never really given me a reason to not trust him though.

I text Jay to let him know I'm on my way and Logan notices

He laughs, "Who're you texting so intently brown eyes?"

"I'm texting Jay. Don't say anything to anyone, please? I'm handling this."

"I wasn't planning on it. But what is there to handle?" he pauses, "Oh that's right, insecure little boyfriend in there doesn't want you near me." "Ah yes I remember now."

I roll my eyes at him

"So where's that home of yours?" he says emphasizing home because he knows I still live on campus

"I'm going back to my dorm and you're driving me there. It's the university about 10 miles away. Wait...you know where the university is. You reported Jay, remember?" I ask.

"Okay. And yes, I do remember that." he agrees before laughing and starting his truck.


During our drive, I start to daydream and take in the beautiful New York scenery. I normally take a bus or drive myself to work so I never really get to take in the beautiful scenery especially at night. I'm suddenly awakened from my short daydream by Logan trying to say something,

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