March 30th

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March 30th

It's Monday morning and I'm preparing myself for work

"Hey Macy. How was last night's show?" I ask her, referencing the last show of the series that her Drama club produced over the weekend.

Her eyes light up, "It went fantastic."

"Aw that's great. And the after party celebration didn't get too crazy?" I ask replying back to her.

"Well..." she says suspiciously.

"Wait, what happened?" I ask curiously

"I may have met somebody." she replies

"Oh my gosh! Who?" I ask.

"I don't think I caught his name. Oops." she laughs.

I laugh, "Well either way, that's great Macy, I'm happy for you."

"Thanks girly! I know I haven't been home much and when I am you're either asleep or at classes. So what's been going on with you?" she asks.

"I'm not really sure. I mean Jay and I are in a really great place after our talk a few days ago, and he's on schedule to move in with Dylan tomorrow." I explain.

"Did you end up talking with Dylan on Friday?"

"Yeah... I did..."

"Okay so tell me how it went." she tells me.


March 28, 3pm

I see Dylan sitting on a bench in the courtyard and walk over to join him.

"Hey. So what's so important?" I ask.

He turns towards me and looks me in the eye "Hi, thanks for meeting me. I just really don't want it to be awkward between us. I'd like to be friends. I know I've said it before and I don't know if it's what you want to hear from me or not but I'm truly sorry for how I treated you." he says.

"Dylan, thank you for your apology and of course I don't want it to be awkward between us either, but you really hurt me. The way you went about trying to contact me by not even considering if I wanted to talk to you or not, I don't think that was right. And I can say I forgive you for all of that, but I need to ask that you give me time for me to actually mean it." I say.

"Yeah, I understand. Well Thanks." he says back.

"I should probably get back." I say before walking back towards my dorm.

He nods his head



"Wow, that's intense." Macy says.

"Yeah. You can say that again." I agree.

"Are you doing okay? Really." Macy asks.

"I don't know Mac. Jay, Dylan, Logan drama and trying to pass all my college level classes. It's so much I didn't expect my first year or even first semester for that matter to be like this.I'm just not used to it and don't feel well prepared." I vent.

"It will get better. And you have me. And you might not believe it but all those stupid boys do care about you too." she says.

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