February 14th

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February 14th 2020:

It's been almost 2 weeks since Carson left. Macy misses him, but she's been in operation "Macy 2.0" ever since he left. She wants to better herself and I've been trying to support her in any way I can. Jay is still roomie-less. He talked to administration about it and there's just no one who can fill Carson's spot in his dorm since it's so late in the year. But personally I kinda like being able to spend all my free time, which isn't much, over there without anyone distracting us from spending time together. So I guess you could say things are finally looking somewhat normal around here. Although...it's funny. I talk about Jay like we're together, but I'm not even sure what we are. Huh...guess we'll be finding that out today. 


I look at the clock as it reads 7:30 am

I get up slowly and eventually walk down the hall to shower, 

After showering, I'm back in my dorm working on Valentine's Day gifts. I grab a cup of coffee and Macy's card that I made her before leaving the dorm. Before classes start, I decide to run to the student store and pick up a box of Macy's favorite chocolates to compliment her card. 

Classes were extremely long as always. Once classes are released, I immediately go back to my dorm and start to work on Macy's gift. 

While I'm finishing her card, I hear a soft knock at the door,

I open it to see Jay standing there with a coffee and flowers similar to our first official date,

"Happy Valentine's Day." he smiles.

"Aw, hey. Happy Valentine's Day." I smile.

"Oh, here come in." I laugh.

He walks in, closing the door behind him. 

"I'm just working on Macy's gift. But don't worry, I didn't forget about your gift." I say.

"Oh? you didn't, did you?" he says. 

"Shut up." I laugh before kissing him to his surprise. 

he pulls back, "Wait." he looks at me.

"What?" I look back at him.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to say you look so beautiful." he replies.

I smile "Well thank you, you don't look bad yourself Mr. Collins."

he walks over and sits on my bed and I follow him. 

Once we're sitting down and facing each other, 

he smiles and says nervously, "Hey Brielle..." 

"Yes?" I reply.

"I would like to formally ask you to be my girlfriend. I know it sounds silly and all but honestly, I would be the luckiest guy in the state of New York. I've never met anyone like you. You're the best and I don't think I deserve someone like you." he says.

"Of course!" I blush. "I would absolutely love to be your girlfriend and I think you might be wrong because I know I don't deserve you." I say sweetly.

he stands up, "Can't believe you just started our first fight as a couple." he laughs.

He lends me his hand as I stand up joining him, "Sorry, couldn't help it." I laugh.

He grabs my waist and pulls me close to him before leaning in to kiss me 

He smiles, "Hm... wait a second. I think we're missing something"

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