Chapter 4

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While Hilana was out to get my food and Avia had to get new sheets for the bed. I'm stuck here alone like under confinement with guards outside my room protecting me. 'I guess that father of mine decided to give me some sort of protection, so it can't be too severe if another kidnapping were to happen again.' Who am I kidding, probably myself? I'm a princess and if your a princess then all the unfortunate things that may happen will happen to you. It's like a plot trope, don't believe me think about it, there are your classic fairytales, then there's me the lowest offender of the plot trope. I try not to get my hopes up on being kidnapped or assassinated and possibly poisoned or even bullied. Just one of the many ways I could die miserably, painlessly/painfully, and anyway it's horrible so I'll leave it at that.

Today I was gonna conquer my own inability to stand and walk. 'Tall order I'm putting for myself but what can I say, not the type to give up easily or in other words very stubborn.' I stood up from the ground then fell back on my butt, leg muscles clearly not working. This went on a loop for at least 10 times. I was getting very annoyed by the fifth time and furious by the tenth time. I don't have a good temper apparently why does it feel like I've mentioned that before?

I stood up for the eleventh time and I finally stood without falling. 'Yes, I win! I win! Oh yes, I freaking win!' I took a step forward and I was wobbly like about to fall over any second now wobbly, but I'll be so done if I fall again! 'It hurts hitting your butt 10 times in a row okay!' I took a few more cautious steps and so far so good. I was so proud of myself and my achievement even if it was a dumb achievement. 'You try getting a baby to stand who's only a few months old at best!' I heard some chuckling by the door and stopped wallowing in my prideful victory. 'I have a bad feeling.' I turned to see my worst nightmare leaning against the door with a hand covering his mouth snickering at me.

"Don't mind me." He said trying to suppress his laugh with his hand covering his mouth. 'Oh, I'm minding you alright! Just you wait till I come over there!' I walked quickly over to my father but gravity was a prick and my legs were an even bigger prick, meaning I began to tilt forward while walking and possibly running but good news! I was able to kick the jerk in the leg right before I fell on the ground so I count that as a victory. 'Yay, I kicked him while walking but why did I kick him?!' The sudden dopamine I received disappeared quickly leaving me very confused and quite terrified. I looked at him not ready for what's to come. 'Oh, what have I done?! I mean it's not the first time but this was obviously intentional to the max!' I haven't even dug my grave yet! He squatted down and looked at me. "You really like hitting me don't you...want to die." He said as if he never got hit in his life. 'I don't like hitting you but my body apparently loves hurting you for some odd freaking reason and no I wanna live!' He picked me up and I squirmed.

"You're weird. The weirdest thing I've seen in my life." Why does everything he says sound so insulting? 'Can't you give a girl a break once in a while?' He grabbed hold of my neck and I flinched thinking he was going to choke me again but aside from his hand on my neck nothing else happened. Feeling confused I looked at him to find a stupid smirk on his face. '...It's official he's on my dead list, priority...dead last because he's not worth being the top priority.' I claimed this in my mind and etched it into my whole being. He set me down on the floor and flicked my head lightly with his finger. I held my head feeling harassed.

A guard came in whispering something to my father that I couldn't hear. He walked out of the room and I followed behind him to see the show but the guards by my door stopped me in my tracks. "Sorry princess but best if you stay inside for your own safety." With a pout, I crawled back inside and I could hear the guards chuckling slightly. I know it's not their fault but it still bothers me. 'Let me be free! I wanna be one with nature!' An obvious joke sometimes not obvious but still a joke nonetheless.

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