Chapter 6

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It's the middle of the night and here I am reading. 'I'm gonna ruin my eyes sooner or later I swear but I need to learn.' So far I have come to understand the look of the writing and it's nothing like the English letters or any of the Asian characters that I know. It has a more Hindu vibe to it but saying it like that is also putting it wrong. I've seen some Hindu writings before and compared to those, these only have one tiny similarity. There is none-did you actually believe I was going to point out a similarity. These letters have dots, lines, shapes that seem more like art. This writing doesn't use any of the symbols that I know of, which makes learning even harder for me. To put this in one word, difficult.

I snuck in books whenever I can but it never meant I understood anything that's written. The guards by now had kinda given up on checking me every time I do late-night readings. They probably figured out that was I was still awake so they were like let her be or something. I didn't care all that much but still grateful that they didn't report me to Hilana or else I would be getting a lecture.

Still in the middle of the freaking night, I sat on the ground reading by the window to see the words better. 'A lot of words but these are words that I still can't understand.' I closed the book and hid it under my bed. 'That should be good for a night's read or viewing to be more specific.' I tucked myself in and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up extremely early and my body particularly my chest felt heavy. I looked to find my body squishing my arm. 'Maybe that's why my chest hurts right now.' I quickly moved and that, in turn, made my arm fall asleep. 'I hate it when it does that. It's the worst!' After it calmed down I pulled out the book and continued my reading from last night.

I was so in-depth with the reading I didn't hear the door close. 'Wait did I miss something?' I got up from the bed and crawled quickly near the door and placed my ear against it. "The princess is at it again. So young but already a genius." One of the guards said.

"Yeah. Remember when we first got put here we kept hearing noises from her room." The other said.

"Oh yeah, I remember at one point I thought there was a ghost and I was freaking out so bad that I couldn't sleep for a few nights but it was just the princess." I stopped listening to their conversation and crawled back to bed. 'So they already knew. Well, I guess they kinda have to by this point.' Well, what am I to do now. I'm bored and I mean very bored. 'Maybe I should sneak out. But that would cause trouble to Hilana and the guards.' I contemplated and decided to sneak out just for a quick minute or two and come back.

I crawled to the window. 'Oh boy, how am I going to get up there.' I dragged a chair over with my weak body and it barely moved. 'There's got be a limit to how weak a baby should get! Do I have the worst picks of a new life? I mean this is just sad in so many aspects.' This makes me wish I was a peasant at times.

The door opened up and apparently, I decided to hide under the bed. 'Why did I come to the conclusion that this was the best place to hide?' I heard footsteps coming in and looked to find feet. I sneaked a little closer, hoping to get a better look. When I was about to see the face a sword was shoved in front of me. I couldn't move I was scared out of my wits. "What will it be?" I know that voice anywhere. 'He is such a jerk.' I crawled out under the bed and sat on the floor looking up at my father. He's tall, please squat. He held me in a chokehold again and this time it was slightly worse. "Should I end you now? Every time I see you I feel ever so slightly irritated." I really hope you consider not killing me cause I am a life that needs to live and a smart self-conscious life to add to that. "On second thought maybe not but..." Ok, now I'm getting annoyed. 'Just pick an option already and get it over with-please don't kill the baby.' He let go of my neck and I was free to breathe. A knock was on the door and the guard came whispering something into this tyrant of a father well he isn't a tyrant per se but he is definitely a bully for sure. "I'll let you jump around for another day I guess." He walked out of the room.

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