Chapter 8

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The punch had no effect on Lyer(1 ) which he thought of as odd since whenever Diantha punched or kicked him, there would always be enough force she puts in, just enough to make him feel it. Lyer watched as Diantha fell to the bed looking feverish and ill. "Princess!" Hilana rushed over to Diantha and checked her forehead and skin. "She's burning up! She's having a fever!" Hilana panicked and moved her so she was laying on the bed properly. Avia came in with a cart full of sweets and drinks. "Avia get me a basin of water and towels now!" Avia confused quickly nodded her head and ran to the kitchen to grab a basin of water. "Your majesty please stay away from the princess or else it may transfer to you!" Lyer got up from the bed still confused and watched as Diantha's condition worsen.

Avia quickly came back with a basin of water and towels. She set the basin on the night table and handed the towels to Hilana. "Hurry go get the doctor." Hilana rushed Avia. Avia nodded her head and ran out of the room again. Diantha on the other hand started clutching her chest and kept squirming in pain. "Princess!" Hilana tried to stop her from squirming so much.

Lyer watched as the pained Diantha brought him back to an old memory. A beautiful lady was sick in bed with a condition similar to Diantha's if not even worse. "Ah!" Lyer was brought back from Diantha screaming and hurried over to her, ripping open her top to find her chest with a glowing hole in the center and the cracks kept growing from it.

Hilana was in absolute shock and horror. "Lyer what's wrong with her?!" Hilana was in a panicked mess. Lyer wordlessly rushed out of the room. "Lyer! Peyl(2 ) svel(3 ) Lyer!" Hilana cursed out and grabbed Diantha's hand holding it tightly. "It'll be alright. You'll get better, the Halyns are with you princess. Gods svel Lyer, you better give me an explanation I'll be satisfied with."

Lyer speed-walked to find a purple-haired mage walking his way. "Well if it isn't Lyer what are yo-" The mage was cut off as Lyer dragged him by the back of his collar. "Hey Lyer what's the meaning of this! I don't condone unconsented violence!" Lyer dragged the mage to Diantha's room. "Lyer! Don't you know it's common courtesy to not drag people your asking help by the back of the collar!" The mage shouted at Lyer. Lyer pushed the mage forward. Hilana stepped aside and bowed. Lyer glared at the mage looking as if he was ready to kill him.

"Save her." Lyer said in his usual cold tone but there was slight unrest to him. The mage looked at Diantha who was breathing raggedly on the bed and sweat pouring from her head.

"Oh, it's the little cutie." The mage grabbed the blankets and pulled them down. Lyer clenched his fists continuously glaring at the mage. "Don't worry. I'm not interested in little kids." He said lightly touched the glowing hole very gently. "I must say you have a dymir of a timing. Any later, then you should prepare her funeral and a decent grave." The mage said while putting his hand over the hole. He chanted some words that were incomprehensible. The glow from Diantha's chest was slowly being sucked into the mage's hand. This continued on for a few minutes, the cracks and hole had repaired themselves leaving no scars. Diantha's breathing returned to normal and her faced turned from agony to serenity.

"Job complete." The mage said. Hilana rushed to Diantha's side and covered her with the blankets and wiped off her sweat. "I must say a crack this early in life is truly an amazing feat and one that was the size of my whole hand." The mage grinned and sighed. "This princess is interesting." The mage chuckled.

"What was wrong with her?" Hilana asked and Lyer sat next to Diantha.

"To much Salyn(4)." The mage said casually. Lyer looked at him then back at Diantha. "Usually kids her age won't have that much Salyn until they turn twelve but at that point, their body is ready to accommodate that much. She is very lucky to be born with an abnormal amount of Salyn. Probably more than enough to kick your ass to the curb." The mage joked but Lyer pulled out his sword ready to kill the mage at any time. "Now Lyer what have I said about using your head then your weapon. Anyway, while I was healing those breakages I discovered that her body is quite weak in containing so much Salyn. To sum it up even simpler the princess Is five steps from Dymir, though I'm shocked that she's this healthy." The mage said quite surprised but this caused him to receive a glare from Hilana who was more than ready to teach some kids a lesson. "Let me finish before you decide to bash my face in. The possibility of her surviving should be zero but for some odd reason, the only thing that's keeping her all jumpy and alive is that abundance of Salyn she posses. It's not a bad thing since it's saving her life but it's not good either because if there is too much of it pumping through her veins then she's no better than a person on their death bed." The mage explained.

"Was that the cause?" Lyer asked reaching his hand and moved a strand of hair from Diantha's face.

"No...Yes." The mage said. Lyer stopped his hand hearing the mage's answer and glared up at him. "Wow, patience is not a thing for you guys. The reason why her magic came spilling out was that one of the veins that kept check of her Salyn broke. Usually, the cause is either damage to the vein or producing too much that leads to an overflow and breakage of the vein." The mage looked at Lyer as he sat there looking at Diantha. "For her to be producing that much at such an increased rate could be from stress or physical to verbal provocations on a daily basis. Now I wonder who provoked this child so much that led to her be in this condition." The mage sarcastically said. Lyer got up and sheathed his sword. "I swear. You are just like a child yourself sometimes." The mage let out a sigh.

Hilana who was listening on the side finally spoke up. "Your Maje...Lyer I don't give two craps if you are the king, if you are a soldier, or even a monster but you better get this through your thick faced head! This is your daughter that's flesh and blood, not another inconsiderate life that isn't worth your time." Hilana said sternly, her calm gentle demeanor gone replaced with a bold, unfeared look that was also filled with anger.

"What right do you have to tell me what I am to do and not do!" Lyer said almost yelling.

"The right of me being your caretaker, your damn leader, and for peyl sake your one and only damn friend that hadn't abandoned you!" Hilana yelled back. Lyer for once flinched breaking his cold exterior look. The mage was watching in the sidelines and he was even surprised by Hilana's change. "I'm speaking not as a nanny, not as a damn maid but as a parent! Before you act like a damn king on your high horse of a throne you better scorch this fact into your head! You are a father first and foremost and if I have to beat that fact into your pergot head then I'll gladly do so!" Hilana yelled at Lyer. The atmosphere in the room was tense that even a knife couldn't cut through.

Avia rushed back inside out of breath and with a royal doctor. "I got a doctor!" She yelled still out of breath. She looked at the atmosphere and confused beyond belief. It was so tense that breathing felt suffocating.

Hilana quickly returned back to her calm gentle demeanor. "Sorry for all the trouble Avia." Hilana calmy said in her gentle voice as if nothing had happened. Avia quickly straightened her posture and brisked next to Hilana.

The doctor came in and checked on the princess. "The princess is suffering from a fever. She will have to rest and drink large amounts of water. Keep her away from anything cold and don't let her eat anything that has oils, fats, and sweets. Things like porridges, vegetables, fruits are allowed and it can greatly help her recovery. I'll prescribe some medicine that the princess can take. Let her drink the medicine after she had ingested food." The doctor said.

Hilana nodded her head. "Thank you." She said and the doctor bowed at them and left. The room went back to being tense with no word being spoken.

"Well my job here is done so I'll be going now." The mage made his quick escape and not long after Lyer also walked to the door.

"Your majesty please I beg you, take care of them, they're not strangers, they're your children." Hilana said solemnly. Diantha had woke up at that time as well. "Pa-pa." Lyer didn't turn back to look at Diantha and walked out of the room. Hilana clenched her fits until they bled. 'I have no right to say any of that when I can't even take care of my own. What kind of mother am I? I'm such a hypocrite.' Avia seeing the wound quickly helped Hilana treat it. Avia didn't know what happened here but it wasn't anything good.

(Album-Aurora©, August 26, 2017, Composed by- Peter Gundry)

1.Lyer(Lee-year)- Nickname for the king and usually uses this name to address him aside from king, your majesty, and the sorts.

2.Peyl (Pel)- informal or slang word for fuck or fucking (not the sexual kind but the rude insulting kind)

3.Syvel(S-vel)-informal or slang word for damn or damn it

4.Salyn (Sa-lun)- A term for magic, sorcery, wizardry, and all of those sorts. More details in the glossary.

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