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This is a glossary that details many of the footnotes in the story. Very SPOILER so don't read unless you're prepared.

I'll update the glossary as I keep updating the book so there isn't any unnecessary spoiling going while this book is still ongoing. If I miss any terms or if you think I should add any then tell me in the comments and I'll add it in.


Avia (Ah-via)- One of the palace maids that is also tasked to care for the princess. Usually seen as a cherry, joyful, optimistic girl.

Hilana(Hila-na)-Head maid of the palace, and nanny to the princess. Commonly seen being kind, dependable, and caring towards the princess and other servants.

Diantha Rosevn Moerey Czovelrya (Dee-an-tha, Rose-e-vin, Moe-rey, Se-vol-ya)- Protagonist of this book. Usually called Dia or princess, depending on the person. Also a victim of (light) verbal abuse. Being a princess had given her a big target on her head saying kill/kidnap/etc.

Lyer(Lee-year)- Nickname for the king and most usually uses this name to address him aside from king, your majesty, and the sorts. Has a slight sadistic streak when it comes to Dia and Romulus with a foul mouth sometimes. (Full name is yet to be disclosed so look forward to that)

Morium (More-ree-um)- Mysterious mage that has a tendency to act strangely towards everyone mostly being sarcastic or teasing at the very least (especially a certain princess). Close relations with Lyer. Part of the magic council and is forced to participate in any meetings.

Valhyar (Val-hee-yar)-Black knight as he is commonly known as but a better way to put it is the embodiment of war. Has deep relations with Lyer and unsavory rumors have run around about him. Not talkative and usually either alone or training (alone).

Reyva (Reh-va)- One of the many prison guards that are in charge with the punishment and torture of prisoners.

Romulus (Ra-mew-lus)- The advisor to Lyer. Handles most of the kingdom's affairs whether big or small. Argues a lot with Lyer but they get along aside from all the death threats. Fiance to Olaehryia the third cousin to Lyer.

Olaehryia Veis Gardenia Lanearese Czovelrya (Oh-lae-ria, vehs, gar-dee-nia, lan-ear-ees, Se-vol-ya)- Finance to Romulus and third cousin to Lyer. Also has a slight sadistic streak but not as bad as Lyer.

Amura(Ah-moo-ra)- The second assistant to Druvem and close in age with Avia, usually seen around the castle running errands and helping the soldiers but more often than not can be found in the kitchen.

Enmya(Em-yeal)-First assistant to Druvem also close in age with Hilana and one of the many supervisors of the castle.

Druvem(Droo-vem)-The cook/chef for Lyer, Part of the Muyin race, a big hearty fellow that enjoys food and entertainment with a habit of cursing. Also raising his 2 kids that have a talent for cooking.

Baynea(Bayne-ya)-The older twin and a trouble maker but very polite. Have a natural liking to cooking and the kitchen.

Banyea(Bahn-ya)-The younger twin also a trouble maker but has a terrible mouth for being very mean (the lighter way of saying he insults others). Has a great talent for cooking, enjoys the outdoors more than the kitchen.

Cxeva (Sh-e-va)- The guard for Dia and an elavaerin decent. Human age is 50 and elavaerin age 16.

Dynal (Dee-nal)-The guard for Dia and 19 of age.

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