Chapter 24

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(Trigger warning chapter is very dark. Viewer discretion is adviosed)

So I have a question. How is it that my father is ever so peacefully sleeping in my bed without a care in the world as if no one is out to kill him every second and moment of his life? More importantly, why the heck is he in my bed?! I mean, I know for sure he has a room, but what led him to think my room was a perfect place to take a nap?! My father moved a bit. I went stiff like a statue. 'Must not move. Must not make noise. Must not tug hair.' My hand has a mind of its own reaching for his hair. 'Oh no, you don't!' I used my other hand and restrained my inner desires.

My father moved again, and this time I slept like the dead. "Kayveli(1)." I heard him mutter. 'Who's name is he calling out. The name of his long lost crush? Probably it's usually how it goes.' I opened my eyes to be greeted by crimson red demon eyes staring at me. 'Oh my gosh, I think my heart stopped for a moment.' Then we had a staring contest, but of course, that didn't last long. "Ugly." He called me and got up from the bed. 'I am going to have so many issues when I grow up.' I despise him.
"Papa!" I called out with a smile. He looked at me, totally uninterested. "Extra fat." He said and walked out of the room. 'I'll shoot him right through the head and send him to the seven hells where he will never get the chance to reincarnate for the rest of his stupid, idiotic, eternal life!' I burned insults of him in my head. 'How did I get a father like him! Now I'm in a pissy mood.' I huffed and hit my bed. 'Give me a chainsaw or a machine gun for me to let out some stress. I need to have less stress.' Easier thought than done.

There was a knock on my door." Princess are you awake?" Avia said. I thought it would be Hilana, but I guess she's too busy with the festival. I mean, by this point, I can't tell if it's Shyvma or Reha, so I'll settle on the neutral word of festival. Avia came in, and I nodded my head, looking up at her. "Hilana is quite busy today and she couldn't take the time to come over but it's fine we'll have fun." I nodded my head cheerfully for the things to come, but there is one thing that I still haven't figured out why the heck my father was sleeping in my bed. 'Does he have a problem with sleepwalking or something. This better not affect me in the long run.' Avia went through my wardrobe and kept placing outfits in front of me, seeing which one would be better for the day, and eventually settled for a long-sleeved white dress with the skirt layered with another fabric of blue and patterned with purple embroidered flowers. The flowers included the leaves and stems while intertwined by gold thread. The sleeves were slit open starting from the elbow. The collar and sleeve edges were lined with a lace design. After being all dressed up, we headed somewhere. "Today I'll let you munch on some snacks for the festival tomorrow but you can't tell Hilana okay princess." I nodded my head.

"Hai." I said. 'Ok, how did I let that slip. Ok um, that's weird. I might need to look out for that.'
"Okay let's go to the kitchen!" Avia said happily, and the two of us marched off well, more like her marching off and me being carried off. Again I am a baby that is barely a year old-wait I'm not even a year old, or am I? I don't know. The age in this world is super confusing.

By the time we got to the kitchen, I had fallen asleep somehow. It's odd really, I've been feeling drained today. From this morning to now, I've been lacking in energy and wanting to sleep. "What's wrong with the yali? She looks like she met the Demnvra." Druvem said, looking at me.

"Druvem don't say that you'll curse the princess!" Enmya scolded. The twins looked at me worried, and Avia felt my head but didn't feel any fever. I looked out the window to see the cloudy sky. I want to see the rain, but I'm too tired to keep awake.
"I haven't seen the princess like this for so long. She looks so peaceful." Avia said, looking at me, worried. I moved around and slept soundly on the table.

"Look's like princess won't be able to play today." Amura said with a sad tone.

"We'll take her back." The twins said, picking me up and carrying me in their arms or more like one of their arms. I don't know who, and I'm too sleepy to care.

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