How It All Started

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She and Noya had been dating for several months now ever since she had wandered into the gym one day towards the beginning of the year. She was trying to find her way to the main gym to put her gym shoes away but instead she had wandered into their practice gym. Ever since then, she came everyday to watch the boys practice, and it wasn't long before a certain little energetic fireball caught her attention.

She was mesmerized by his every move, and she'd be lying if she said he wasn't attractive. The way his spiked hair stood up, and how the little bleached section would sometimes fall in front of his face.. she was spellbound. She was taller than him by a couple inches, but that didn't matter to her. He was stunning, and she wanted to learn more about him.

And one day, Nishinoya noticed her peeking in from the doors and brought her inside to watch. Ever since then they grew closer and closer, and within a couple of months she had decided to confess.

Albeit she was scared to death, she knew what she felt and she was going to tell him how she felt. That day after practice she stopped Nishinoya. "Hey, can I talk to you for a bit Nishinoya?" She asked nervously. "Sure thing cutie, just lemme grab my stuff."

She waited around anxiously for what seemed like forever before Nishinoya finally returned. "So what did ya need to talk about?" Nishinoya asked striding up to her. "Do you maybe umm.. If you're not busy.. do you wanna come somewhere with me?" She twirled her thumbs anxiously.

"I'd love to! You got anywhere in mind?" "Yeah, umm.. how about the park?" She tried to control herself from shaking. "Sounds like fun!"

For what felt like an eternity they walked side by side in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence by any means, it was actually quite nice, but her nerves made it agonizing. Finally they reached the park and ___ sat down on a nearby bench, Nishinoya taking a seat next to her. 

"You seem kinda nervous ___, are you okay?? You wanted to talk right? If something's wrong then I'll listen." Nishinoya said studying her face. "N-nothing's wrong it's something else." ___ said, her voice getting shaky. "Well whatever it is you gotta tell me I'll listen! I'm here for you, so you can count on me!" Nishinoya pumped.

That gave her a bit of confidence. "Nishinoya I.." she looked down. 'No.. I need to look him in the eyes.' She thought. She turned to face him and looked him in the eyes. She was determined now. This was it.

"Nishinoya.. I'm in love with you!" She yelled. "No freaking way.." Nishinoya said in awe. She panicked, bracing for what was coming next. "I'm in love with you too!" He yelled grabbing both of her hands, a smile brighter than the sun shining on his face. "I mean, I wanted to tell you but.. I just didn't have the confidence to you know?!" He said laughing. "I can't believe you could just yell it like that! I mean.. you're a freakin beast ___! No way I could do that!" She broke out into a smile. "You have no idea.." she laughed.

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