The Last Morning

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As the sun shown through the curtains, ___ slowly rose awake. 'Mmm, morning already?' She thought, 'I wonder what time it is?' She glanced at the clock. 'Oh my god! It's already noon!' She began to shake Nishinoya awake. "Nishinoya, wake up! It's already noon!" "Mmm.. five more minutes." He groaned as he rolled over. "Come on Nishi, wake up!" ___ said as she continued shaking him. "It's already noon! We slept in soo late!"

Nishinoya slowly began to wake up, blinking his eyes before glancing over at the clock. "Holy shit! It's already noon!" He said darting up. "That's what I was trying to tell you," ___ said, "We really slept in!" "It's our last day together and we spent half of it sleeping.." Nishinoya sighed. "That's what we get for staying up so late." "Come on, let's get ready!" ___ said pulling his hand. "Yeah, okay," he said getting up.

___ pulled him up and towards the bathroom. "Time to shower," she said. "Yeah, I feel kinda gross going to bed all sweaty like that," Nishinoya said as he pulled back the curtains and turned on the water, adjusting the temperature. "But I was just so exhausted. You really gave me a workout last night." "Same here," ___ said giggling. "Man, I am so sore! You really pounded me last night.. And my neck.." she looked into the mirror. 

"Oh my god! That is soo bad! I look like I was hit with a baseball in the neck!" She touched her neck and collarbone gently. "There is no way makeup is going to cover that up!" "Come on, it's not that bad," Nishinoya said hugging her from behind. "Oh my god! Wait!" He pulled away running up the mirror and leaning on the bathroom counter to examine his neck.

"Holy crap! Just what did you do to me?! Are you a vampire or somethin'?!" He touched his neck. "You better lend me some of your makeup!" "I will," ___ said giggling. "I have an extra bottle of concealer in my bag." She grabbed it and placed it on the counter. "Just put a little of that on over it tomarrow morning before you go to school and it should help a bit. Not much though, that's pretty bad.." She bust out laughing. 

"Just look at us! All black and blue!" Nishinoya bust out laughing as well. "If you give me a black eye, we can pull it off as a fight," he said laughing, hugging her from behind once again. "Nah, let's just leave it." ___ said as she calmed down. "It just proves our love for each other." "Yeah, true.. The one you gave me is way worse, but I gave you several so let's call it even." He let her go. "Should we get in the shower now?" "Yeah, let's do it." ___ said as she climbed in. Nishinoya climbed in behind her.

"Can I wash your back?" She asked as she grabbed the soap. "Yeah sure, go ahead. Only if I can wash yours," Nishinoya said turning around. "Of course," she said as she squeezed some soap into her hand setting down the bottle. She then began to wash his back, running her cool hands up and down his body before asking him to turn around. "Let me get the front," she said. "Yeah, okay." Nishinoya said turning around.

She glided her hands up and down his chest and stomach as Nishinoya put some shampoo in his hair and rinsed it out before applying conditioner. "Okay, my turn." He said as he rinsed off the body soap. ___ turned around and Nishinoya picked up the bottle, squeezing some soap into his hands before setting it back down. He began to wash her back, massaging it in to her neck and shoulders before working it into her ass and down her legs.

"Okay, turn around." He said as he got some more soap. ___ turned around and Nishinoya began to massage her chest as ___ applied some shampoo to her hair. He worked his way down her chest and stomach before stopping. "Okay done," he said. "Okay, just let me rinse off," ___ said switching him positions. "Wait!" Nishinoya said. "What?" ___ asked. "I wanna wash your hair too." "Okay, ___ said as she turned around so that her back was to him.

Nishinoya grabbed a little bit more shampoo before working it into her hair and scalp, giving her a head massage. "Ahh, feels good." ___ said. Nishinoya continued to lather her hair until it was thoroughly soapy. "Okay, you can rinse now," he said as he rinsed off his hands. "Okay got it!" ___ said as she ran her hair under the water. "Next is the conditioner," Nishinoya said grabbing the bottle.

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