The Ponytail

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"Mm.. Today's the day.." ___ mumbled rolling over to shut the alarm clock off. "Mm.. you ready?" Nishinoya asked sitting up. "I think I'll be okay, I mean you think I'm ready so practicing with the boys should go well today I think." "I know you're ready," he said leaning over to ruffle ___'s hair. "So you'll do great. I know you will."

___ got out of bed and started putting her uniform on while Nishinoya did his hair in the bathroom. ___ walked in and started brushing her teeth while Nishinoya put his Jersey and shorts on. "Good morning princess," He said giving her a hug from behind. "Mornin'" ___ mumbled through her mouthful of toothpaste.

Nishinoya nuzzled his head in the crook of her neck. "Can I brush your hair today?" "Huh?!" ___ spit out the toothpaste and rinsed out her mouth before she spun around. Nishinoya stood there with a huge grin on his face holding her hairbrush. "Com'mon!" He said. "Pretty please?! I wanna put your hair up like yestersay!"

"But I never wear my hair up," ___ said twisting a strand around her finger. "I know, but it's sooo hot! Pretty please?! Just for me?!" Nishinoya pleaded, a pouty look on his face. "Fine.." ___ said giving in. "I'll let you brush it." "And put it up?" "And put it up.." she said making her way out of the bathroom before sitting on his bed. 

"Alright!" Nishinoya cheered pumping his fist. "My babe's gonna look so hot!" He then sat behind her and took a handful of her hair, pulling the brush through it slowly. "Your hair is so soft!" He yelled. He rubbed a strand against his face. "And it smells good too!" He continued to brush her hair strand by strand until he was all finished getting the knots out. 

"Ponytail please?" He asked holding his hand out over her shoulder. ___ grabbed the ponytail on her wrist and slipped it off before placing it in his hand. "Ponytail." She said. "Thank ya much!" He said reaching around to give her a kiss on the cheek. He carefully combed the hair into his hand before bringing it upwards to the top of her head and holding it in place, pulling the ponytail off of his wrist and wrapping it around the strands three times before letting go.

"There ya go!" He said brushing the ponytail. ___ started to reach her hands around your head. "What are you doing?!" Nishinoya asked pausing. "Well, you gotta tighten the ponytail," ___ said reaching for it, "so it doesn't fall out." "Nuh-uh," Nishinoya said swatting her hands away. "Let me do it." ___ relaxed her hands on her lap once again before Nishinoya split her ponytail in two, pulling the two sections apart until the ponytail was tight. "Got it!" He cheered before he continued to brush the strands.

Nishinoya was lost in a trance brushing ___'s silky soft hair and several minutes passed before ___ sighed. "Hey Nishi, I get that you love my hair and all but if you don't stop brushing it now we won't have time to prepare lunch before we have to go." Nishinoya huffed. "Yeah.. you're right," he said placing the brush on his bedside table. "Come on, let's go."

Nishinoya took her hand and led her to the kitchen where they got started on lunch. While Nishinoya was making the tamagoyaki, ___ fried the rice and made some red bean paste filled rice balls before wrapping them in seaweed. "I made some extra rice balls for breakfast since we didn't really have time to make any, she said embarrassingly. "They're not much but.." 

Nishinoya finished packing their lunch boxes and closed them before taking a bite of a rice ball. "Mmm! These are delicious!" He said through a mouthful of rice. "And I didn't even teach you how to make these!" He swallowed. "You see, you're really not as bad at cooking as you think ___," he said picking up his bag. "You just need practice, that's all."

___ picked up her belongings as well, remembering to bring her shirt, shorts, and sneakers, as well as her water bottle for tonight. After slipping on their shoes, they quickly made their way out the door, locking it behind them before holding hands and making their way to school.

"It must be nice living so close to school huh.." ___ mused, stretching out her arms and looking into the sky. "Huh? Well I never really thought about it that much to be honest. Me and Tanaka both live pretty close to the school, and everyone else doesn't live that far either, but then again you and Hinita both live kinda far away." "Yeah, Hinata lives awhile away but he always takes his bike up and down that hill everyday, it's pretty crazy. I mean I could probably do that too but I don't own a bike and-" 

"Haha, I don't think so ___," Nishinoya said laughing. While Hinata does like kinda far away, you live 15 minutes away by train! There's no way you'd make it on time. You live over by Shiratorizawa Academy. I'm still shocked that you didn't go there. I mean, come on! They've got horses!" "Yeah.. the horses are pretty cute," ___ said sighing. Even though I got accepted there, something just told me to go to Karasuno, even if it wasn't the best school, or the closest. It was like fate."

Nishinoya stopped walking and turned around to look at her. "Like fate that we met?" "Maybe so.." ___ said looking down bashfully. "I hope I made the right choice. My parents were so worried.." Nishinoya took her chin in his fingers and turned her gaze to meet his eyes. "You did." He said giving her a kiss. "You have me." She smiled. "I'm so glad I have you." She gave him a hug. "Even if my parents try to convince me to switch to Shiratorizawa Academy next year, I'll make them change their mind. I love Karasuno, and I love you too." She gave him another kiss. "We should probably get to practice now," he said, squeezing her hand. "Yeah, let's go." 

The two took off at a jog, running hand in hand until they reached the gym doors and threw them open. "Hey Nishinoya! Hey __- Woah! What did you do with your hair?! It looks so hot! I've never seen you with your hair up before!" Hinata yelled. "What's all the commotion?" Daichi asked walking over. "Woah, your hair looks really nice like that ___." Sugawara said approaching her from behind Daichi, resting an arm on his shoulder. "Yes, it really does." Daichi said. "Tsk.. It's just hair. Doesn't matter how silly or soft it looks." Tsukkishima said, reaching for it then stopping. "You know, you can touch it if you want Tsukki," ___ said shaking her ponytail back and forth. "I won't bite. Unless you want me to that is." ___ said winking. "Hey now," Nishinoya said giving her a small spank on the butt. "Oops!" She said.

Tsukki reached out and ran his fingers through her hair gently. "Tsk.." he clicked quickly walking away. "Woah! You got Tsukkishima to touch you ___! Your hair must be magical!" Hinata said reaching up to stroke it. "It totally isss!" "I wouldn't mind knowing what all this fuss is about guys." Asahi said appearing in the doorway of the gym behind them. "Everyone's touching ___'s hair," Nishinoya beamed. "I put it up for her today. Doesn't it look nice?" "It sure does," Asahi said walking past them, entering the gym. "You should wear it that way more often." "Maybe I will," ___ said blushing. 

Suddenly Sugawara appeared behind ___ and began stroking her hair. "Geez! You gotta let me braid it sometime! It's so soft!" He said toying with the strands.  He gently laced the strands around his fingers, twisting them. "Okay, that's enough guys, let's get back to practice." Daichi said dribbling the ball. "Huh?! But I didn't get to touch it yet!" Tanaka whined running up to everyone. "Maybe after practice," Daichi said giving him a slap on the back. "For now let's give the lady some space." "Aww man.." Tanaka sulked. "No fair!" "You're really missing out!" Hinata cheered stroking ___'s hair. "It's so soft and silky! Almost like a feather!" "Come on man! Now you're teasing me?!" "Practice." Kageyama said pushing Tanaka back towards the court. "This sucksss!" Tanaka whined.

Nishinoya laughed. "Geez.. Tanaka always has a meltdown when it comes to you." He said patting ___ on the back. "Now I better get back to practice too before Daichi gets angry." Nishinoya shuttered. "I'll see you in a bit!" He gently kissed her on the cheek and ran off onto the court getting ready for his daily warm up drills. "Yeah, see ya." ___ whispered.

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