Our Last Night (NSFW)

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After dinner the two began cleaning up. Nishinoya grabbed the plates and dishes while ___ washed them and then Nishinoya put them away. "Alright, cleanup's done!" ___ said. "Yep! I just put the last dish away!" Nishinoya added. "So what should we do now?" ___ asked walking over to Nishinoya. "Well, this is our last night together, so I have some ideas," Nishinoya said seductively as he pulled her close. "Oh? And what would that be?" ___ purred. "How about I show you instead." Nishinoya said.

He picked her up bridal style. "Oh Nishi! You're really taking charge tonight." ___ said giggling. "That I am," Nishinoya said as he carried her through the kitchen and dining room and up the stairs. When he reached his room he gently laid her on the bed before climbing ontop of her and kissing her. He kissed her lips, then her jaw, then the shell of her ear, and then he made his way down her neck stopping to suck on her sweet spot.

"Mmm, Nishi.. You're on fire today!" ___ whispered. "I know right?" Nishinoya said smiling against her neck. "It's our last night together so I thought I'd make it special." He whispered against her skin. It sent chills all down her body. Nishinoya sat up and removed his shirt. ___ sat up to remove her own but Nishinoya stopped her. "No, tonight you just lay there. Let me do all the work." He carefully removed her shirt before undoing her bra clasp and sliding it off of her.

Nishinoya bent down and kissed her lips, travelling down her jaw and neck to her collarbone, before kissing his way down her chest and taking one nipple between his teeth and pinching the other. "Ahh! Yuu!" ___ moaned out. He gently bit her nipple and she bucked. "It feels so good!" He massaged her left breast with his hand while licking around her right nipple, occasionally sucking on it and grazing it with his teeth before doing the same to the other side.

He then began kissing down the valley of her breasts, down her stomach, before sucking on the soft flesh just above her waistband. She hissed and bucked. "Oh Yuu!" She moaned. Nishinoya slowly pulled up, giving her a wink and a wide grin before sliding down her skirt and underwear off her body, dropping it to the floor. He then kissed her hips, before travelling down lower.

His lips now rested on her inner thigh, just inches from where she wanted him. He kissed the spot on her inner thigh, where her thigh met her hips before biting it harshly! "Ahh!" ___ moaned, her hips bucking into the air. He held them down before gently licking the now bruised skin, then biting it again. He then made his way inwards, right where she wanted him. 

He took a long lick between her folds from her ass to her clit, doing this several times before moving his tongue to her clit and giving it a lick. ___'s hands flew to his hair as her hips bucked. "Ahh! Yuu!" She moaned twisting her body. He then began sucking on it, inserting a finger into her. "Nghh! Yuu! Please.. don't stop!" She moaned. He continued swirling his tongue around her clit inserting two fingers, pumping them in and out of her as he continued his ministrations.

"Ahh! Yuu! I-I'm close!" ___ stuttered inbetween moans. Nishinoya then pulled his fingers out of her and stopped. She gripped his hair and pushed his face forwards. "W-Why did you stop?" She whined. "Calm down, I'm not done yet," he said looking up at her and flashing her a grin. He then lowered his head once again so that his tongue was lined up with her enterance.

"I wanna taste you cum," he whispered into her pussy. She could feel the words reverberating through her core. "T-That is so hot!" She said. "I know right?" He mumbled against her before inserting his tongue. ___ gasped. It felt so different. She could feel his tongue swirling inside her and she bucked her hips, trying to squeeze his head but he held her in place.

"I-I'm so close! Please don't stop!" She screamed. Nishinoya's tongue went faster and he released one leg to bring his hand to her clit where he rubbed it vigorously. The feeling of his tongue swirling inside her along with the feeling of him roughly rubbing her clit was just too much for her and she felt her walls clench. Nishinoya noticed and began rubbing harder and faster, his tongue going even deeper.

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