The Power Of The Ace

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After watching the boys practice for quite awhile, the practice game was coming to an end and Nishinoya's team had won, signaling the end of practice. 

"Alright!" Nishinoya cheered slinging an arm over Hinata's shoulder. "We killed it!" "Hell yeah we did!" Hinata cheered grinning ear to ear. "Aww, what's a matter Tsukki? Don't look so bummed out! You did great!" ___ said patting him on the back. "Yeah, whatever.." Tsukki mumbled pouting. "We still lost." "Aw man! I can't believe we lost!" Tanaka whined. "It was such a close game too!" "Yeah, we really played our hearts out," Sugawara said. "But hey, you can't win 'em all." 

"Hey ___, I look forward to practicing with you." Asahi said walking up to her. "You were a real beast in that practice game, so I can't wait to see how you handle my spikes." "Yeah, me neither!" ___ cheered. "I can't wait to feel the power of the ace!" Asahi laughed. "The power of the ace huh? You sound like Hinata." "Hey Asahi! Is it true that you can control how much power you put into a strike and serve?!"

"Yes, that's true." Asahi said laughing. "I want you to hit a spike at 100% to me alright?!" "Hmm.. we'll see. Didn't you get hurt though? Daichi said that you sprained your wrist yesterday stopping that ultra quick attack. Are you really sure you should be playing?" "I asked Kiyoko and she said it would be fine so long as I kept my wrist wrapped and I don't go too crazy." ___ said. "Seriously though, I just gotta try stopping one of your attacks! You power through blockers like it's no problem! I just gotta recieve something like that!" ___ cheered.

"I'm glad you think so highly of me," Asahi said. "I just hope I don't disappoint you with the real thing." "Aww, come on! There's no way you could do that! You're the ace for a reason! Now you just gotta show me your power!" "I'll do my best." Asahi said. Just then Nishinoya came back into the gym. 

"Alright ___, everyone's done changing so you can go ahead and go in now." He said. "On it!" ___ said jumping up. Asahi went to go grab the ball cart while ___ grabbed her bag and headed towards the club room alone. She quickly walked in and closed the door before getting undressed. 'Man, I am so excited right now!' She thought as she slipped on her shorts and t-shirt. 'I finally get to feel the power of the ace! I bet he hits like a thousand times harder than Hinata when he goes all out!' 

After she was done changing, ___ grabbed her bag and headed back towards the gym. "Alright, I'm back!" ___ called as she entered the gym. She quickly took a drink from her water bottle before setting her things down and putting her hair into a high ponytail. "Welcome back!" Nishinoya said running up to her and giving her a hug. "God I love your hair like that!" Nishinoya said giving her a kiss.

"Stop it Nishi!" ___ giggled. "You can fawn over my hair later! It's time to practice now!" "Right, right," Nishinoya said releasing her. "Are you excited?!" "Oh yeah!" ___ said pumping her fist. "So how's this going to work?" "Well what we're going to do is Nishinoya is going to set me the balls, and I'm going to spike them to you on the other side of the net." Asahi said, rolling the ball cart into position. "I'm going to start out easy on you and get progressively harder okay?"

"Sounds great!" ___ cheered getting into position. Nishinoya walked over to the other side of the net. "You ready?" Nishinoya called over. "Yeah, I'm ready!" ___ called back. "Alright, I'm setting a ball now." Nishinoya set the ball high and Asahi jumped up. "Forty percent!" Asahi yelled out as he hit the ball. ___ took a step back. 


She sent the ball high into the air.

"Come on Asahi! That was way too easy!" ___ yelled out. "Send me something harder!" "We'll get there," he called back. Nishinoya grabbed another ball setting it high once again. "Sixty percent!" Asahi called out as his palm slammed the ball. Asahi sent the ball further towards the right on purpose. ___ quickly shuffled to the side and hit the ball towards the net. "You're making me run for them now huh?!" ___ called. "Keep 'em coming!" "Will do," Asahi said back as Nishinoya set the ball again.

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