Feed Me

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The test flew by in a breeze and before she knew it, it was almost time for lunch. ___ reread her notes for today, checking to see if she should add anything more before setting her notebook down on her desk satisfied. Not long later the teacher's voice rang out. "Okay class, the lunch bell will ring shortly so you may begin putting your things away. Good work today! Remember your notes for tomarrow, we will be continuing where we left off."

With that, ___ began to put her notebooks away, putting her pens and pencils in her pencil holder before grabbing her lunch. The bell then rang and Hinata walked over. "Oh hey, ___! You got a new lunchbox!" Hinata said. "Yeah, Nishinoya got it for me. Do you like it? We got a matching set!" "That is so cool! I wanna get a matching lunchbox with you!" He said sitting down. 

"Thanks for the offer Hinata, but me and Nishinoya got these so we could eat together in spirit since we normally don't eat lunch together." "Ohh, I see!" Hinata said grabbing his chopsticks. "That's so cute!" "It is isn't it?" She laughed. Just then she heard the sound of someone entering her classroom.

"Hey ___! Hey Hinata!" Nishinoya said waving. "Nishinoya! I thought you were eating lunch with Tanaka today?!" ___ said surprised. "He is," Tanaka said walking into the classroom from behind him. "I thought we could maybe eat all together today." Nishinoya said smiling. "I don't mind," Hinata said through a mouthful of rice. "Hinata you really shouldn't talk with your mouth full." ___ giggled. "Sorry," he said.

"You guys want to go outside?" Tanaka asked. "We're second years, so we kinda can't eat in here with you." "Oh yeah, right." ___ said gathering her things. "That sounds nice!" Hinata and ___ grabbed their bags and lunches before following Nishinoya and Tanaka. "Let's go to the park," Tanaka said. "We got time." "Sounds great!" Nishinoya cheered.

After arriving in the park, the four took a seat on the grass. "This is nice," Tanaka said stretching, "I think this the first time I ate with both of you." "Well, you ate with me before, but this is your first time eating with ___," Hinata said opening his lunchbox. "Yeah true," Tanaka said opening his.

"Woah! Your lunch looks great!" ___ exclaimed. "Thanks, Saeko made it," Tanaka said grabbing his chopsticks. "Yours looks delicious too! Who made it?!" "Me and Nishinoya made it together actually," ___ said blushing. "He taught me how to cook last night." "Woah, sweettt!" Tanaka said, "You gotta let me try some! I wanna taste your cooking!" "Me too! Me too!" Hinata cheered.

"Here, try this." Nishinoya said handing Tanaka a piece of tonkatsu. "And you try this," ___ said giving Hinata a piece of tamagoyaki. "Woah! So gooddd!" They both said at the same time. "You gotta cook for me sometime!" Hinata yelled. "My mom makes a decent meal, but this is great!" "Yeah seriously!" Tanaka said. "Nishinoya really taught you how to make this?!" "Yeah, Nishinoya is a really good cook actually," ___ said grabbing a piece of tonkatsu with her chopsticks, putting it in her mouth before chewing. "He made these spare ribs for dinner last night and they were so tender that the meat literally fell off the bone!" 

"Holy crap dude!" Tanaka yelled slapping Nishinoya on the back. "You better cook that for me sometime!" "Yeah me too!" Hinata peeped. "Aww, geez! Maybe I'll just cook for the whole team sometime!" Nishinoya said grinning. "Please!" Tanaka said. "Yeah seriously! I mean, if it fell off off the bone you know it's gotta be good!" Hinata said.

The four continued eating lunch talking about this and that before they were almost done.

"Hey Nishinoya, you didn't eat your tomatoes yet," ___ said pointing a chopstick. "Yeah, cause I don't really like 'em," he said making a face. "But last night when I asked you if you liked them you said they were fine," ___ said confused. "Yeah, I mean I did say they were fine but.. they're just not my favourite thing you know?" He said pushing his lunch box away. "Nishi, you gotta eat!" ___ whined. "Eat them for me? Pleaseee?!" "Fineee, but only if you feed them to me." He said with a pout. "Feed them to you?" ___ asked. "Yeah, like this!" Nishinoya said grabbing his pair of chopsticks, picking up a tomato and popping it into ___'s mouth.

 ___ chewed, blushing fiercely. "Noya you can't just do things like that!" ___ said swallowing. "I could've choked!" "Aww, but you look so cute with your cheeks stuffed!" Nishinoya said with a huge grin on his face. ___ grabbed one of Nishinoya's tomatoes with her chopsticks and held it in front of his lips. "Say ahh!" ___ said. "Come on! Don't make me say ahh in front of the guys!" Nishinoya whined. "If you don't say ahh then I'm not going to feed you!" ___ said in a sing song voice. "You're enjoying this aren't you.." he said. "Yep!" She giggled.

Nishinoya opened his mouth. "Ahh," he said as ___ placed a tomato in his mouth. "See? Not so bad is it?" She said. "It still tastes like crap," he mumbled. "Man! I am so jealous right now!" Tanaka whined. "You get to be fed by ___!" "Hey ___! Will you feed me tomarrow?!" Hinata asked. "I can feed you too!" "I'll think about it," ___ said giggling.

"No way!" Nishinoya protested. "She's my girlfriend!" "Aww, is somebody jealous?" ___ teased. "Totally!" Nishinoya yelled. "You shouldn't go around feeding other guys!" "Finee," ___ sighed, "I won't feed Hinata if you eat all your tomatoes." "Aww, come on! That ain't fair!" Nishinoya whined. "Fine, then I won't feed you and I'll feed Hinata and Tanaka instead." ___ said picking up a tomato and holding it towards Tanaka who held his mouth open.

"Fine! I'll do it!" Nishinoya yelled. "Good," ___ said popping a tomato in his mouth. "Sorry guys," ___ said. "Damn it Noya! Why couldn't you hate tomatoes more!? She was about to feed me!" Tanaka yelled. "I'm the only one she gets to feed." Nishinoya said swallowing. "So long as you eat all your food," ___ laughed. ___ continued to feed Nishinoya while talking to Hinata and Tanaka before lunch came to an end and they headed back.

"Thanks for eating with us guys," Tanaka said as they approached the second year classrooms, "Let's do it again sometime!" "Count on it!" ___ said giving him a high five. "Later Hinata! Later ___!" Nishinoya said. "Oh hey, Nishi? I'm going to stop by home after school so I'll be arriving to practice a little late." "That's fine," Nishinoya said giving her a wave. "I'll see you when you get back." "Okay, later Tanaka! Later Nishi!" ___ said waving. "Later!" Tanaka yelled. "Bye bye!" Nishinoya said, then Hinata and ___ returned to class.

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