Do You Wanna Stay The Night?

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Even though her and Nishinoya had been dating for several months now they hadn't gone that far. Neither one of them had dated before eachother so they had no experience. Sure, they had made out a couple times before, but that was about as far as it had gone. Not that they hadn't been thinking about it, secretly they had.

Noshinoya lowered his hands a bit so that his hands just barely rested on ___'s butt and gave it a light squeeze. ___ gasped slightly. Nishinoya took this as an opportunity to deepen the kiss. He began to explore every inch of her mouth, places he had never been before, as well as places he had explored in the past. 

Maybe it was the heat of the moment, but everything felt so new and exciting to ___. Noya had never grabbed her butt before, but it was a pleasant surprise. She wanted to try something new as well. Slowly she moved her hands up the front of Nishinoya's jersey and rested her fingers against his bare chest. His breath hitched and he gasped then feeling the need for air he slowly pulled away.

"Nishinoya.." she breathed. "___!" he panted. "Was that my reward?" "Well," he chuckled. "Part of it anyways." "And the rest?" "Well.. I was thinking that.. maybe, if you wanted to.. you would stay the night with me tonight?" Nishinoya asked scratching the back of his neck nervously, a smile on his face. "My parents are out of town for the week, so if you wanted to it would totally be cool!" 

"For reals?" ___ asked amazed. "Yep! For reals!" He chuckled. "Then.. yes!" ___ squeeked. "Oh.. that's okay I underst- Wait! Did you just say yes?!" Nishinoya shouted. "I did," ___ giggled.

"Well then, let's go!" Nishinoya cheered taking her hand in his swinging it around. They quickly cleaned the gym, picking up the balls and putting them away before grabbing their stuff. "You get everything?" Nishinoya asked. "Yeah, I'm good to go." "Alrighty, shall we head home?" "Let's do it!" ___ cheered once again taking Nishinoya's hand.

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