The Hickey

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After awhile, practice was over and Hinata and Tanaka ran over to ___ closely followed by Nishinoya. "Woah! ___! What's that on your neck?!" Hinata yelled. "Huh?" ___ said touching her neck. "Whoops! My bad!" Nishinoya said scratching his neck smiling. "Is that what I think it is?!" Tanaka screeched. "Just what the hell happened last night?! You didn't.." "I didn't!" Nishinoya said. "Or maybe I did." He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. "I'm gonna kill you Nishinoya!" Tanaka yelled. "Oh yeah? Only if you can catch me!" Nishinoya yelled before taking off running.

Tanaka chased him around the gym before finally the morning bell rang. "Yeaaahh!! Saved by the bell!" Nishinoya cheered pumping his fist. "Damn it Noya! I'll get you tonight!" Tanaka growled. "Bring it!" Nishinoya yelled. "Alright everyone go get changed and head to class. Good work today everyone!" Daichi yelled. "Good work!" Everyone yelled back.

"Alright I'm gunna go get changed and then I'll walk you to class alright? Be right back!" Nishinoya called. "Alright, I'll be be waiting! Great job today Noya! You looked so badass!" "Gee, thanks!" He yelled a massive smile appearing on his face. "See ya in a bit!"

After awhile Nishinoya returned dressed in his uniform. "Alright, ya ready?!" Nishinoya asked holding out his hand. "Yeah! Let's go!" ___ yelled taking his hand. They slowly walked back to school together before reaching her classroom. "Alright, I'll pick you up here after class and then we'll walk to practice together okay? I can't have another repeat of yesterday." "Alright sounds good!" ___ said before giving Nishinoya a quick hug and a peck on the lips. "I love you! See ya after school!" Nishinoya called heading down the hallway. "I love you too!" ___ called after him.

"Mannn! I wish somebody would call after me like that!" Hinata said arriving to class. "Aww, I'm sure you'll get a girlfriend someday Hinata! Don't get so bummed out!" ___ said. "I can't help ittt! I just want a cute girlfriend like you! Nishinoya is soo luckyyy!" Hinata whined. Just then the final bell rung and they took their seats. 

She couldn't wait for school to end. Not only would she get to watch Nishinoya practice, she would get to stay the night with him again too. 'Please let this day go by quickly!' She hoped silently.

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