History Tests & Kissing In Public

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It was Friday morning and Nishinoya's alarm clock blared. It was ___ to wake up first this time. She slowly sat up and reached over shutting off the alarm. Nishinoya was still asleep. 'He looks so cute when he's sleeping,' she thought, 'he looks so peaceful and happy.' ___ reached over and stroked his hair. "Nishi, it's time to wake up now," she said softly. "We have to go to practice." "Mmm.." he mumbled rolling over. ___ leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, shaking his shoulders gently. "Come on Nishi, if you wake up right now I'll give you a reward!" she whispered into his ear.

Nishinoya slowly opened his eyes. "Mmm.. I'm up." He said rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?" "It's 6:12." ___ said. "Mmm.." he sat up. "What's my reward?" "So eager," ___ said giggling, "Is that the only reason you woke up so easily?" "Mm, maybe.." Nishinoya said. "Fine, fine. I'm just glad you're up. I'll give you your reward now."

___ climbed onto Nishinoya's lap and leaned forward giving him a kiss. Nishinoya kissed back wrapping his arms around her as ___ licked his lower lip asking for entrance. Nishinoya denied her and ___ bit his lower lip. He gasped, giving her the chance to invade and she took it. "Mmm! Hah.." Nishinoya panted. ___ then pulled back.

"We should really start getting ready for school now if we're going to get to morning practice on time," she said. "Come onn! Just one more kiss?" Nishinoya whined. "Maybe later," ___ said poking his nose before climbing off his lap and standing up. "Come on." She grabbed his hand and pulled him up. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, their bodies pressed against each other. "It's later," he said pulling her into a kiss. "Hah.." ___ moaned before they separated again. "There! You gave me the strength I needed in order to get ready." He said releasing her from his grip. "I'm glad," she said pulling away. "Now let's get ready."

___ walked to the edge of the bed grabbing her backpack and taking out her uniform. She slowly slid on her underwear and skirt before putting on her shirt and tying her bow. Nishinoya put on his jersey. ___ looked at her wrist. "Hey Nishinoya? Can I take off my wrap? I wanna check on my wrist," she said. "It hasn't even been a day yet ___, you should really leave it on," he said grabbing his bag. "But it feels all better nowww," she whined. "Just leave it on." Nishinoya said, "You can have Kiyoko check on it at practice. "Finee.." she said grabbing her bag. "Let's go."

She grabbed her bag and the two went down the stairs towards the kitchen. "I'll make us some oatmeal for breakfast, can you put our lunches in our bags?" He asked. "Sure thing," ___ said heading towards the fridge. She grabbed the lunches, placing one box in Nishinoya's bag and one in her own. "Okay, got it!" ___ said. "Okay good, the oatmeal should be ready in a few minutes," he said stirring the pot. "Do you wanna slice some strawberries for it?" "On it!" ___ said.

She reached into the fridge before grabbing the strawberries, putting them on the counter and grabbing a knife. She carefully cut the strawberries in half, coring them and placing them in a pile. "Okay, done!" ___ said. "The oatmeal's done too," Nishinoya said grabbing two bowls. ___ took the strawberries to the table and set them down before taking a seat. 

"Breakfast is served," Nishinoya said setting down two bowls. "It looks great!" ___ said reaching for the strawberries, dropping a couple in. She took a bite. "Mmm! It's delicious!" She said. "It's so sweet!" "It's a bit of a trick," Nishinoya said taking a bite. "I added some brown sugar." "It's perfect!" ___ said taking another bite. "I'll have to remember that."

After awhile, they had finished eating. "That was delicious Nishi! It tasted even better with the fresh strawberries!" "Aww, I'm glad you think so," Nishinoya said smiling. "You ready to go?" "Oh wait! I forgot to grab my practice clothes! One second!" ___ quickly ran up the stairs with her bag before putting her t-shirt, shorts, and the kneepads Kiyoko gave her in her backpack before heading back down.

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