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Not long later and they arrived at the gym. Nishinoya set down his stuff and ___ and Nishinoya talked to Hinata and Kageyama about ___'s wrist. "Hey, I'm sorry about your wrist by the way.." Kageyama said shyly. "I didn't know that was going to happen." "It's fine," ___ said. "It's my fault for going after it." "I still can't believe you did that!" Hinata said in awe. "How did you know where I was going to hit it?!" "I'm just good at predicting things like that," ___ said blushing. "I've always been good at things like that." "Good job at pretending you didn't know," Kageyama said. 

Meanwhile, Tanaka and Asahi were gossiping.

"Soo.. how was it?" Tanaka asked. "Helping ___ practice? She's one hell of a receiver I'll tell you that. Every time I hit her the ball she just-" "Noo, not that!" Tanaka said waving his hands. "How was it seeing her in those shorts?!" "Her shorts? I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention." Asahi said scratching his neck laughing. "How could you not pay attention?! It's not every day you get to see ___ in tight spandex! What is wrong with you?!" Tanaka said flustered. "I guess I was just busy focusing on practice," Asahi said. "If you want to know how she looks in those shorts why not just go ask Nishinoya?"

"I can't do that!" Tanaka said. "There's no way he's going to describe to me in detail how hot his girlfriend looks in shorts!" "Why not ask ___ then?" "Asahi.. you really don't get this whole perving thing do you?" "Not really," Asahi said scratching his neck. "I think it's just you and Nishinoya." "Damn!" Tanaka said. "Maybe I can convince Nishinoya to let me see her in those shorts yet. Maybe if I say something like having her hit spikes from different players would help her grow more and-" 

"Alright everyone! Enough chit-chat. Time to get to work!" Coach yelled out. "Let's go guys," Nishinoya said waving his arm heading towards Coach. "Let's go," Hinata said following him. "Alright everyone, I've got some great news!" Coach yelled. "Next week we'll have a practice game with Date Tech!" "Hell yeah!" Hinata cheered. "I can't wait to go up against the iron wall again!" "So we need to work hard on overcoming blocks and powering through. I expect the best from everyone." Coach said. 

"You got it," Daichi said. "No problem!" Tanaka yelled. "I'll try and power through their blocks," Asahi added. "Great! Now let's have another practice game!" Coach said. "Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi, Tanaka, you're on the left. Tsukkishima, Hinata, Kageyama, Nishinoya, you're on the right! Everyone grab your jerseys and let's get started!" "Yes sir!" Everyone yelled, grabbing a jersey. They headed to the court.

"Daichi! You're up first!" Coach said throwing him the ball. "Got it!" Daichi said giving the ball a spin. The whistle blew and he jumped up to serve. "Hey Kiyoko? Can I help flip the scoreboard?" ___ asked. "Sure thing!" Kiyoko said cheerfully. "You can take the left." "You got it!" ___ said hopping up and walking to the scoreboard. Just then Asahi scored a point. ___ flipped the scoreboard. "That's one!" Sugawara said excitedly. "Let's get another!" "Let's do it!" Asahi said fired up. "Come on guys, another one!" Daichi yelled.

"Damn! We missed the first point!" Hinata said. "We'll get the next one." Kageyama said confidently. "Come on guys! We got this!" Nishinoya cheered. "Don't worry about it Tsukki! You'll block the next one!" Yamaguchi yelled. "Tsk.." Tsukki said. "I'm not letting another one slip through." "That's the spirit Tsukki!" Yamaguchi yelled. "You got this!" 

The game continued on and the score was 23 to 21 with Asahi's team winning. "Two more points!" Daichi cheered. "Let's do this Sugawara said. "One more!" Tanaka yelled as he got ready to serve. He sent the ball over the net straight to Nishinoya. "Got it!" Nishinoya yelled as he recieved the ball. He sent it to Kageyama who set the ball to Hinata.

Hinata jumped up performing a quick attack. "One point!" Hinata cheered. "Let's do it again!" It was now Kageyama's turn to serve. "Nice serve!" Nishinoya yelled. "Nice serve!" Hinata yelled. Kageyama jumped up hitting the ball. It flew over the net and hit the ground. Asahi dove barely missing it. "Let's do that again!" Hinata yelled. Kageyama jumped up and served the ball sending it towards Daichi. Daichi barely missed the ball.

"Nice kill!" Hinata yelled. "Nice kill!" Nishinoya said. "One more.." Tsukki said quietly to himself. Kageyama served the ball again and Daichi hit it. "It's up!" Daichi yelled. Sugawara set the the ball sending it to Tanaka. Tanaka slammed the ball to the ground barely getting it past Tsukkishima's block. "That's a deuce!" Coach yelled. ___ turned to Kiyoko. "Who do you think is going to win?" She asked. "It's a close game, so I think it's anyone's chance." Kiyoko said. "Yeah, you're right," ___ said. "I can't wait to see the outcome!"

Asahi was up to serve. He jumped up hitting the ball to Nishinoya who received it perfectly. Kageyama set it to Hinata who performed a back attack, slamming the ball to the ground on the other side of the net. "One more!" Hinata cheered. "We got this!" Nishinoya yelled. It was now Hinata's turn to serve. "You got this Hinata!" ___ yelled. "Thanks!" He yelled back.

Hinata sent the ball over the net. "Got it!" Tanaka yelled. He sent the ball to Sugawara who set the ball to Asahi. "You got this Asahi!" Daichi yelled. "Nice kill!" Asahi hit the ball and Nishinoya recieved it. He sent the ball to Kageyama. Hinata jumped up. "Send it here!" He yelled. Kageyama sent the ball to Tsukki who slammed it to the ground. "That's game!" Coach yelled. Everyone went to get a drink.

"Nice kill Tsukki!" ___ said walking over. "Thanks." He said taking a drink. "You won the game!" She said excitedly. "Yeah, I did." He replied. Yamaguchi walked over. "That was great Tsukki! You totally killed it!" He said patting him on the back. "All I did was hit the ball." Tsukki said quietly. "Yeah, but you won the game!" Yamaguchi cheered. "Everyone thought the ball was going to Hinata, but it went to you instead!" "It wasn't that big of a deal," Tsukkishima said wiping the sweat from his forehead. Nishinoya walked over.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Nishinoya asked ___. "Yeah, just let me say goodbye to everyone." ___ said. "See you later Tsukki!" She said. "Later Yamaguchi!" "Later!" Yamaguchi called. "Bye." Tsukkishima said. "Bye Hinata! Bye Kageyama! Bye Asahi! Bye Tanaka! Bye Daichi! Later Sugawara!" ___ called out. "See ya!" Hinata yelled. "Bye." Kageyama said. "See you next week!" Asahi said. "Bye ___!" Daichi yelled. "See you later ___!" Sugawara said. "Bye!" ___ yelled.

Nishinoya and ___ left the gym. "Ahh, it's finally the weekend." Nishinoya said stretching. "We finally have the day to ourselves." ___ said. Nishinoya grabbed her hand. "So what do you wanna do?" ___ asked. "Whatever you wanna do." Nishinoya said shrugging. "Anything's fine with me." "Let's head home." ___ said. "Let's head home." Nishinoya said.

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