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"Alright students, it's the end of the day and I have everyone's tests graded. I'll pass them out now." The teacher said standing up from his desk, a stack of papers in his hand. Next, he placed the test down on my desk face down. 'Oh crap.. I'm scared to look!' ___ thought. She turned around to look at Hinata who was looking at his test with a big smile on his face.

He glanced up and noticed her looking He gave her a big smile and a thumbs up before turning his paper around and holding it up. 

'Shoyo Hinata - 100%'

"You got 100?!" ___ said excitedly. "Yup!" He said smiling. "What did you get?" "I'm scared to look.." ___ said nervously. "Oh come on, it can't be that bad! Remember all the studying we did this morning?! I'm sure you did great!" "Yeah.. but it's history. I have absolutely zero faith in this class.." ___ sighed. Just then the bell rung. Hinata grabbed his things and walked over to ___'s desk.

"Come on! Just look already! It can't be that bad!" "I'm scared!" ___ said. "You gotta look at it eventually!" Hinata said, "We might as well look now." "Oh I can't! You look first!" ___ said shoving her paper towards Hinata. "Fine, I'll look. But I'm sure you did great." Hinata grabbed the paper from ___ and read it with a serious expression.

"Well? What does it say?!" Hinata broke into a huge smile and quickly turned the paper around. "You did it! You got 100!" "No freaking way! I got everything right?!" ___ quickly snatched the paper out of Hinata's hands. "Oh my god I did it!" She jumped out of her seat. "This is all thanks to you Hinata!" She said giving him a big hug. "If it wasn't for you I would've flunked this test big time!" She gave him a kiss on the cheek and jumped up and down excitedly. 

Hinata blushed profusely and grabbed her hands. "Hey, calm down would you? You're bouncing all over the place!" "I can't help it!" ___ said excitedly. "I'm just so excited! I can't wait to tell Nishinoya!" Hinata released ___'s hands and she quickly dashed into the hallways quickly spotting a certain spikey haired someone.

"Nishinoya!" She yelled excitedly running towards him. She ran to him, jumping into his arms, giving him a massive kiss and nearly tackling him to the ground. "Woah, woah, woah!" Nishnoya said patting her back and pulling. "What's got you so fired up?" "Look!" ___ said thrusting her test into his face. "I did it! See?! I did it! I got perfect marks!" "See?! I knew you could do it!" Nishinoya said picking her up and spinning her around. "You can do anything you put your mind to!" He set her down and gave her a big kiss on the lips. 

"This is all thanks to Hinata!" ___ yelled. "Remind me to bake him a cake or something!" "Woah, slow down there girlie. I've seen your cooking, and you might need awhile before you're ready to bake a cake." Nishinoya said laughing. "Hey! I'm learning!" ___ said with a pout. "That you are," he said ruffling her hair, "but still, you've got a long ways to go. That's why I'm teaching ya." ___ took his hand and they began walking towards practice.

"Man! First I get a 100 on a a history test, and soon I get to recieve spikes from Karasuno's ace! What's next?!" ___ asked excitedly. "Well, there's no school tomarrow since it's Saturday so that's something." Nishinoya said laughing. "My mom doesn't come home until Sunday evening so we can spend the weekend together." "Alright!" ___ cheered. "What are we going to do tomarrow?!" "Well I've got practice in the morning, but after that we can do whatever you want." "Hell yes!" ___ cheered.

They then arrived at the gym. "I gotta go change now, I'll see you in a bit." He said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to go have Kiyoko look at my wrist!" ___ yelled. "See you soon Nishi!" She said with a small wave before dropping her things and running over to Kiyoko. "Kiyoko! Just who I wanted to see!" ___ said. "You sure are in a good mood. Did something happen?" Kiyoko asked. "I got a 100 on my history test today!" ___ cheered. "It was all thanks to Hinata's help this morning!" 

"I'm so happy for you ___!" Kiyoko said. "Is that why you needed to see me? To tell me that?" "Nah," ___ said shaking her head. "That was just a bonus. What I really need is for you to check my wrist again for me. It doesn't hurt anymore, and the swelling's gone down almost completely, but Nishinoya said that I couldn't practice with Asahi unless you said I was good to go." "Oh I see, I will happily give it a look for you." Kiyoko patted the chair next to her. "Have a seat." "Gladly," ___ said as she sat down.

Kiyoko gently took ___'s hand in hers and carefully began to unwrap her wrist. "So? How's it look? Good as new right?!" ___ asked excitedly. Kiyoko carefully turned over her wrist again and again, giving it a look from every angle before gently rotating her hand. "Any pain?" She asked softly. "Nope!" ___ said. "It feels fine!" Kiyoko bent her hand forwards and backwards while feeling her wrist. "Well, there's still a tiny bit of swelling, and the bruising hasn't healed up completely yet, but so long as you take it easy tonight and keep it wrapped I don't have a problem with you practicing."

"Really?!" ___ said excitedly. "That's great!" She clapped her hands together. "Please, allow me to reap it for you." Kiyoko said taking the old wrapping from ___ and opening the first aid kit. Kiyoko carefully took the wrap out of the box before closing the lid and setting it down again. She slowly and gently wound the wrapping around ___'s wrist before sealing it. "There you are, good as new!" Kiyoko said cheerfully putting the wrap away. "Thanks Kiyoko!" ___ said giving her a small hug. "You're really good at treating injuries. Do you wanna be a nurse or something?"

"Oh, no." Kiyoko said giggling. "When I was on the track team I injured myself quite frequently doing hurdles so I'm used to wrapping injuries," she said. "I would always run too fast and trip over the hurdles." "Oh no! That's terrible!" ___ said. "Is that where all your scars come from?!" "Exactly," Kiyoko said. "I was always getting injured all the time." "Do you ever miss it? Running I mean." ___ asked. "All the time," Kiyoko said sighing. "I think about it a lot when I see the track team practicing from outside the window."

"I see. Well I believe that someday you'll be able to run again Kiyoko!" ___ said cheerfully. "Maybe not on the track team, but someday you'll be able to run for something important, and you'll jump a hurdle and do it perfectly, I'm sure of it!" "Thank you ___," Kiyoko said smiling. "I hope so." Just then, Nishinoya and Hinata returned to the gym. "Alright everyone! Time to start practice!" Coach yelled, "Gather round!"

And with that, practice started and ___ was just a little bit closer to practicing with the ace.

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