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(Val's pov)

"So Valia, this entire process will take roughly six to eleven weeks." The doctor said

I nodded

"We'll do a test one day then skip two days, we want you to be as comfortable as possible."

"Give your body time to heal and relax, we won't do testing during the weekends either." He said

"What type of tests?" I asked

"from blood tests to anything that won't hurt you really." He responded

"Will I get sick from these?" I added

"It's highly possible, but it is nothing too dangerous of course." He answered

"What's the percentage that this doesn't work and I just die anyways?" I asked

My mother sighed and said "why would you ask that!"

"No it's fine, she of course has the right to know." He said

"Less than twenty percent that these tests will help you or change anything."

I was used to low chances but I had hoped that this would be different

I hoped for at least fifty percent chance of it working

"Any dietary restrictions?" My mom asked

"As of right now, no."

"Based on the tests she might need to, but she can continue to eat regular right now." He responded

the rest of the appointment went quickly, I didn't have anymore questions.

We drove back to the apartment


my online friend had messaged me, asking where I was located in LA

Surprisingly he was close to where I was

We both agreed to meet up, he wanted to take me to a small cafe close by.

We had FaceTimed and called multiple times, he was my boy best friend really.

He knew my condition and I trust him with anything.

I was anxious because I didn't know how he actually was in real life, I hope he's just as kind as he seems.

The car ride was long, even though the drive was ten minutes away

It felt like ten hours really

The cafe was small and yellow

There was flowers outside of it, and I saw him waiting on a bench nearby

I got out of the car and texted him to look up

He scanned his eyes around before he saw me

He immediately ran up and hugged me

"Val!" He said as we hugged

"Hi nick!" I quickly responded

"I'm glad I finally got to meet you." He mumbled

He was even more attractive in person, his hair was neat but not.

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