{7} the hype

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(Val's pov)

we drove to this giant house, mansion maybe.

it looked absolutely gorgeous

they must make a lot of money to be able to afford this

Tony and Ondreaz sat in the front seat, nick was in the back with me.

I packed lightly, id only be there this weekend.

we finally got out and I followed the three of them.

when we got inside Tony yelled loudly "We're back! Everyone come meet Valia!"

My face got red immediately, all of these people are probably famous and I'm a nobody really.

A girl that looked to be younger than me came out, I had seen her on tiktok.

I'm pretty sure she's the most famous on that app.

"Hey I'm Charli!" She said excitedly

"You must be the one that nick is always talking about." A boy that followed behind her said

"That's chase." Nick said as he pointed to him

Two more girls walked up and introduced themselves, Addison and avani

A few others walked up but didn't say anything

"So you're coming to playlist with us?" Charli asked

"Yeah, Nick wants me to." I laughed

"Do you have tiktok?" Chase asked

"Yeah." I said as I showed him my phone

They all followed me and I started to get tons of notifications

"You're actually really good at dancing!"

"We definitely gotta make a video girl." Charli said excitedly

"Do you know how to do this one dance? I think it's renegade or something." I asked

A bunch of them started laughing

Nick nudged me and said "she made the dance, well this version of it."

"It's okay that you didn't know, you're new and I'll definitely help you." She said as she grabbed my hand

She dragged me to a giant bathroom

"This is the hype house bathroom, you'll see most people using it for their videos." she said

"Oh this is kouvr and Alex, they're dating and really nice." She said as I shook their hands

"This is Valia and I'm teaching her a dance."

"Nice to meet you, can I call you Val? Alex asked

"Yeah of course, some people do!" I said

"Are you joining the house? I haven't seen you before." Kouvr said as she glared at me

A/N: I love kouvr and I'm sure she's very nice but I'm gonna make her be mean to Val in this story.. gonna be a bit of some drama ykyk

A/N: I'm going throw editing this all and that did NOT age well, I still like them but YIKES

"Ah no! Nick invited me, I'm going to playlist with him." I quickly said as I backed up a bit

she sighed and said "oh nicks new fling, cool cool."

she mumbled "won't be the last." and laughed

Alex dragged her out of the bathroom and I could hear them slightly arguing

"she's normally not like that I promise!" Charli said as she began teaching me the dance

as she explained it, it became easier and we eventually filmed the video

"I need to finish packing but I'll show you to Nicks room!" She said as she dragged my hand

"Here it is, he should be inside." She said as she walked away

I knocked before entering

His room was actually really big, a bit messy but that's typical.

Nick was laying on his bed, using his phone

"Have fun with Charli?" He asked not looking up

"Yeah she's really cool." I said as I sat on his bed

he sat up and put his phone to the side, "have I told you how pretty you look?"

I laughed and said "yeah, bunches of times nick." My face grew red

"I'm glad, you deserve to hear it everyday." He said as he got up

"Look!" He said as he held up a picture I drew for him

"You have that!" I said as I jumped up

"Of course I do, you made it because we didn't have any pictures together." He said

"So I drew us together." I said

"Let's take a picture, so I can actually have one." He said as he pulled out his phone

We took multiple, each different poses.

My favorite was him kissing me on the cheek, it was just so genuine.

"I'll have bryant take some professional pictures of us, he's really great." He said as he sat back down

"So how am I going to be able to get into playlist?" He asked

A/N: I have no clue how it actually works, I'm just making stuff up

"I got you a guest pass, it's above the fan passes and just below creator."

"You'll basically be allowed anywhere and can meet anyone, only creators can give guests to others." He said

"That's pretty cool, so I'll get to hang out with you all?" I asked

"Yeah, you might get asked to take a picture with random people. It's normal and soon you'll be famous anyways." He said

"Oh cool I'll do that, I hope I don't get famous.. I don't want too many people upset when.." I stopped myself

"It's not gonna happen anytime soon Val, it's okay to let yourself be happy." He said as he hugged me

"I know, I just don't want to let people down."

I don't want people to be sad when I'm dead

it's easier being alone because nobody gets hurt.

"Alright everyone, we're leaving in ten!" Someone yelled from downstairs

"We should go.." I said as I pulled away


So I've started putting little authors notes throughout the story, because not everybody reads these and it helps readers understand.

so I've decided that Val is 19, gonna be 20 soon
*wink wink*

Gatorade glacier cherry is delicious 🤤

ok the next chapter will be playlist, uhh so the hype house is currently in the Bahamas

maybe I'll do something with that hmm

anyways the next chapter will be out soon idk when though

if you haven't been told recently, I love you so very much and I want you on this earth, I want you.


See you in the next chapter

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