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(Val's pov)

We all got up early and left on a boat, we signed up to release a turtle back into the ocean.

After we'd go scuba diving, it was our last day in the Bahamas and we'd leave early tomorrow.

This trip changed a lot of things, my view on life, how I look at people and I made new friends.

The sun was still rising, we couldn't talk much because the boat was loud.

But it was beyond relaxing

I sat next to nick and I laid on him as he played with my hair.

I could tell everyone was confused as to why were so close, we weren't at playlist.

They didn't question it though

"I'm really glad I came." I whispered into nicks ear.

He leaned down and whispered "I'm glad you came too."


We eventually got to where we needed to release the turtle and we did.

A/N: I actually have no clue how that worked, I just saw what was on sc stories.. uh yeah

The water was beyond clear, it was so beautiful.

Nick and I jumped into the water and swam around, some people joined but others stayed on the boat.

I genuinely didn't worry about my scars, I didn't even think about them.

"Hey hey! guess what." I said

"What?" Nick asked

I pointed in the opposite direction to distract him before splashing him.

"You did not." Nick yelled

I immediately laughed

He slashed me back quickly, as I dove under the water.

I grabbed his legs and pulled him under with me.

As we got back above the water, we realized we got a bit far from the boat.

"We should get back." I said as I laughed

"Wait, before we do." He said as he leaned in towards me

I smiled into the kiss, I felt like I was in heaven whenever I was near him.

"Now we should get back." He said as he grabbed my arm

"Hold on." I quickly said

"Yeah?" He asked

"One more!" I mumbled

He laughed and kissed me again, I never wanted it to stop but unfortunately all good things come to an end.

We ended up swimming back towards the boat, nick kept swimming but I got on the boat.

I wanted to get a slight tan, give my skin some life.

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