𝐯𝐢, only angel

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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝 ❪ vi. only angel ❫

GYPSY'S HEART WAS almost in her throat when her uber pulled up outside the venue. she felt physically sick, and she didn't know whether it was from the nerves or from the sandwich that she just scoffed at a fast pace when she landed at the airport, not really having enough time to sit and have a meal. she hadn't really, if she was being truthfully honest, thought this entire trip to houston through and even though she had brought plenty of clothes with her, she didn't believe she truly had enough to last her this entire tour.

she quickly messaged jeffrey, letting him know that her uber was just arriving at the back entrance of the arena. almost immediately, she receives a reply saying that he's on his way out to greet her. she quickly smiles and thanks the uber driver, giving him five stars on the app as she gets out. thankfully, none of harry's supporters are outside the gate because the concert is starting really soon.

the gate opened and she saw jeff stood there, a lanyard in his hand waiting for her. she pulls her suitcase towards him and greets him with a hug. she was close with harry's team, probably because he's was always with him, and he was always with his team. he passes her a v.i.p lanyard, and she places it around her neck, smiling as she does so.

"he's about to go on but we've got you a spot side stage for after he's started," jeff explains and she nods, leaving her luggage in harry's dressing room for after the show. she was excited, she hadn't seen him in a while, and she couldn't wait to see him now. they made their way side stage as harry starts the first song, and although she didn't get to see the start, it didn't stop her from bouncing along to only angel. it was one of her favourites after all.

the concert continues, songs from her best friend filling the arena, happiness filling her entire body as she watches him prance in his new pink suit. she dances to carolina, and nearly starts crying to just a little bit of your heart and the dances continues through many of the songs. during the break before the encore, she manages to stay hidden and can't wait to see the man who she was proud to call her best friend.

during the chain she doesn't think she's ever been so happy. watching the man who had become so prominent within her life sing the song that her mother has sung throughout her entire career. gypsy can't lie and say that she didn't become a little bit emotional within in, and she possibly did share a tear but if anyone asks she would surely say that 'her eyes were sweating'.

then the concert came to an end, harry finishing off with a favourite of everyone's, kiwi, and she can't help but dancing and singing along. she hadn't felt this happy in a long time, and it was all due to the man prancing around the stage, in his heeled boots and pink suit, absolutely singing his heart out.

she was upset that she had to leave before the concert was completely finished but it was all for a good cause. she quickly made her way into harry's dressing room, sitting on the sofa that's facing the door.

she can hear cheering getting louder and she believes that he's on his way to the room, and she can feel the nerves bubbling within her. she patiently waits, and she's even so close to him that she can hear his playful, "i'll just go freshen myself up," before a hand on the doorknob. she bites her lip to suppress the smile she's trying to keep as he walks through the door.

at first he doesn't notice her, looking at the ground and running his hand through his hair, but when he does, it's as though the entire world starts to go in slow motion, and he's walking over to her with the biggest smile on his face ever.

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