𝐱, long way down

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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝 ❪ x. long way down ❫

❪ songbird: instagram ❫

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liked by harrystyles, remi.jag and 72,678 others

GYPSY.N  ignore the mess that is my life 😎

view 1,765 comments

GYPSY.N but please do ignore the messy suitcase
behind me. i promise i'll fold everything 😚

USER1 where's this youtube video that you
promised us, i'm waiting patiently 👀
GYPSY.N i haven't been filming but i promise
something is in the works and coming.
USER1 i'm still patiently waiting xx

ATTICUS perk up gorgeous girl we all love you
and you can still have a lovely timeee xxxx
GYPSY.N love you atti, promise i'm perking
up as we speak xx
ATTICUS good good cant wait to see you

USER2 you're so gorgeous x
GYPSY.N awe shucks. you're the gorgeous
one x

REMI.JAG you feeling better? have you slept
on it? x
GYPSY.N i have. i cant wait for tonight.

USER3 whats happened? everyone keeps asking
her what's up and i have a feeling that somethings
happened with harry x

USER4 i want to meet you so bad!!
GYPSY.N ONE DAY i promise you'll be able to
meet me xxx

NICHOLASGRIMSHAW you look sad, don't be
sad xx
GYPSY.N i'm okay, i promise nick. i'll come and
see you soon promise x
NICHOLASGRIMSHAW that's good, i'd hate for
you to be upset x
USER5 there's something fishy happened.

R_JAGGER you still look so moody all the time
dude crack a smile
GYPSY.N ugh the support radiating off you is
something that i've never felt before 🥵
USER6 the sarcasm radiating off the two is
a lot

USER7 do you think harry has done something??
like she's only with him and she doesn't seem to be
feeling the best
USER8 honestly people just have off days. gypsy
may just be having one.
USER9 user8 she's on tour as well which is
something that obviously will be quite draining on a
USER8 user9 i just hope that they're okay. i do
think that something has happened but it isn't our

GREEN.EVE you look so fucking cute dude what
the fuck and you look so pretty ugh marry me x
GYPSY.N we'll set the date soon i promise we'll
plan it when i'm back xx
USER10 this is cute. i want friendships like this
so much 😩
FINNEAS thanks for stealing my girlfriend gyp.
GYPSY.N she's my fiancé now ha 😎🤪

USER11 you're so gorgeous baby like wtf

HARRYSTYLES you're so messy
GYPSY.N i know
USER12 this seems weird ^^

N i know ⤷ USER12 this seems weird ^^

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are you okay, gyp?

people seem to be concerned on your
instagram and they think i have something
to do with it.

do i?

no i'm fine h, i promise

there's nothing wrong with me just missing
stevie a bit

gyp, she'll be missing you too

you're like peas in a pod so i think both
of you will be feeling it

but i'm sure she'll turn up to visit soon

love you dude

how about this,

after the concert tonight we can order
junk food and sit and watch musicals

i promise i won't fall to sleep halfway
through hairspray again

do you promise?

i promise gyp

wow thanks gyp

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wow thanks gyp

always knew you had a choking kink

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