𝐥𝐢𝐱, does he know?

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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝 ❪ lix. does he know? ❫

❪ songbird: instagram ❫

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liked by gemmastyles, harrystyles and 132,677  others

GYPSY.N spent the tenth anniversary in italy and it just hit different 😔

view 2,789 comments

USER1 i think i'm in love with italy!gypsy

USER2 are you honestly so stupid to travel during
a pandemic?
GYPSY.N it's for work! and gov restrictions have
eased! we didn't fly, we drove. and we wear our
masks 😘

USER3  the flip flops are just a vibe

GREEN.EVE i miss you so much but you're vibing
and i love you for that :)
GYPSY.N i miss you too :( i can't wait to see you
and hug you <3
GREEN.EVE i can't wait for that hug 😚
USER4 god this feels like a new era of gyp and
evelyn and i love it x

USER5 harry has bought a house in italy and gypsy
is there with him. tell me they aren't together.
USER6 we can dream, dude, we can dream.

USER7 your outfit ✨ i love
GYPSY.N you ✨ i love

USER8 from the videos and the photos and things
on social media, people need to leave harry alone
and treat HIM with kindness
USER9 he's our idol and knowing he's near you
would cause anyone to want to see him.
USER10 user9 not when people literally force
them out of their house and into a hotel.

gypsy.n liked user10's comment

USER11 user10 and that's on what? period.

HARRYSTYLES  don't seem too disappointed gyp.
GYPSY.N i'm not too disappointed. i didn't get
my hopes up.

USER12 the way gypsy is all of us.

USER13 harry & gypsy in gucci just hits different

ATTICUS god. i'm sad that i don't get to witness
your first time in italy :(
GYPSY.N it would be your first time too??
what are you on about?
ATTICUS we would've experienced it together.
just think about that gyp.

USER14 have you got any plans for the rest of
the year?
GYPSY.N  there are a few things up our sleeves
but you didn't hear anything from.

USER15 she should've stayed in the usa. nobody
wants her

USER16 apparently the house isn't just in harry's
and that it's in gypsy name as well 🥺
USER17 if that isn't conformation that they're
together i don't know what it
USER18 user17 it could be just a friendship
thing. i hope 🤞
USER19 user18 user17 who buys a house with
their friends? in italy?

gypsy.n liked user19's comment

USER20 god you're so pretty

NICHOLASGRIMSHAW you were in london and
you didn't come to visit me? i don't understand
GYPSY.N i promise i'll visit when we come back
and i'll even bring harry :)
NICHOLASGRIMSHAW i don't really want to
see him but i suppose
GYPSY.N eh me too 🤷‍♀️
HARRYSTYLES heyyyyyyyyyyy stop it now

USER21 you're too cute x
GYPSY.N you're cuter! look at you! x

REMI.JAG i'm actually glad that you weren't home
today. i bet you cried.
GYPSY.N i did cry and there's nothing for me to
be ashamed of.
R_JAGGER the peace and the quiet. it was bliss
REMI.JAG it was :) x
USER22 god i don't think i've stopped crying :/

USER23 i have created a business whilst this
has been going on! i'd love it if you could check it
GYPSY.N omg!!!! i'm going to order everything

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