𝐱𝐯, canyon moon

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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝  ❪ xv. canyon moon ❫

THE SCARIEST PART of returning from being on tour with harry wasn't explaining why to her mother — because stevie already knew — it was trying explain to stevie her plan for the next step within her life. gypsy wasn't an outgoing person, she was very introverted and could sometimes go weeks without speaking to anyone but her closest friends and family, but it was something she struggled with and that may also be a reason why she wanted to come home from your but she couldn't be too certain.

"you want to move where?" stevie asks, her mouth dropping open in front of her daughter. she'd never, ever in all of her daughters life believed that she would be asking such a question, never mind hearing such a thing come from her daughters lips.

"i want to move to paris," she says, "restart my life and try it all again," and she can't help but smiling at the thought.

"are you sure this is what you want?" stevie asks, leaning over the table to grab her daughters hand, giving it a quick squeeze, "you know that if this is something you really want, i'll support you all the way."

"i know," the nicks girl says, grabbing her mother's hand, "i need to do this for myself, i can't stay inside this house my entire life."

"i'm glad you're doing this," her mom says, leaning over to press a kiss to her head, "france is the perfect place for you, you're already fluent in the language."

"i know, it's always been someone where i've wanted to go, and I suppose living there was next step," she says and her mom squeezes her one last time.

"get on the computer and i'll help you look for apartments," so the two nicks women do. gypsy and stevie spend most of the day on different apartment sites, trying to acquire the perfect one. if she was going to be living there for a while — it needed to be the best one possible for the girl and who better to help decide that then her mother.

when atticus and evelyn arrived at the house, she had to break the news to them and she knew it would be difficult. atticus created a storm, saying that he wouldn't allow her, under any circumstances, to leave him — she just wasn't allowed to do it. evelyn started to cry, saying that she just couldn't believe that gypsy was finally going to spread her wings and leave the nest, but it was her next question that left gypsy wheezing for air.

"have you told harry?" evelyn asks, and the entire room goes silent, even stevie who's sat scrolling through the internet still stops and looks at her daughter.

"no," she says, shaking her head, sinking further into the sofa, "i don't know how to. i cant just be like 'hey harry, since meeting you, you've fucked my entire life up and i can't stop thinking about you so i'm moving to france in hope that i'll meet some pretty french boys and girls to take my mind off you.'"

"i personally believe that speech is perfect and you should do it," atticus says and gypsy manages to launch a pillow at him, the boy squealing in shock.

"i'm not going to that, but i don't know how to say it to him," she says, running a hand through her blonde hair, tugging slightly at the roots like a crazy person.

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