𝐱𝐥𝐯, fine line

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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝  ❪ xlv. fine line ❫

AFTER A WEEK or so of being in quarantine with not only her family but harry as well the family fell into a sort of routine. they each took it in turns to cook and go to the grocery store and even though there wasn't much to do they made sure to have time away from their devices in the evening where they could be in each other's company.

she spent her days reading or writing small poems or ideas that popped into her head whilst harry spent a lot of time at her desk on zoom meetings with jeff and his team about the tour.

her heart hurt for the people who were going to be missing out on tour but it hurt more for harry. he hated disappointing people but when it came to everyone's safety and the new law he knew that he just wouldn't be able to do the tour that he had planned but he was working hard to reschedule, anyone could see that.

saturday became a day that the two of them saved for each other. whether it be they have a nap together in the afternoon, or catch up on a show that they had been watching or read to each other — they spent it with each other.

this particular saturday they were sat in the garden, one of gypsy's picnic blankets underneath their bodies as harry sat reading love is a mixtape by rob sheffield. harry had already read the book the year prior during his escape to tokyo but gypsy had told him a few times that she wanted to read it so they decided to try it together.

there was something so intimate about the two of them curled up reading. harry was rested upon his side, glasses perched upon his nose whilst gypsy sat with her back against his knees and her legs out straight in front of her. his voice lulled her between consciousness and unconsciousness with the deep drawl of it.

in the past they had done a lot of things together, that was a given, but now they seemed to be doing everything together. they worked out together most days in the garage that riley had converted into a gym. they ate every meal together, even the ones that weren't with the entire family. if it was their turn to do the shopping they did it together, clad in masks and hoodies that prevented people from recognising them too much — of course the odd photo was snapped of them together if they ever went on a hike but that was about it.

"you're not falling asleep on me, are you?" gypsy hadn't noticed when the comfortable rest she was having ended up with her eyes closed and small relaxed breaths escaping her lips.

"nope." she smiled, looking over at him with tired eyes, "i promise you i'm awake."

"and i'm beyoncé." he retorts.

"you wish you were beyoncé mr. i used to work in a bakery." she smirks, watching as he dog-ears the page and places it down next to them. she moves her body so that their heads are at relatively the same place, he was just lower down than the girl.

"i did used to work in a bakery, yeah." he agrees, squinting briefly before his lips widened into a smile.

"you worked the tills." gypsy rolls her eyes, already knowing where this conversation was going due to the man's antics. she moved her hand down from her lap to his hair, letting her fingertips rake through the curls on the top of his head.

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