𝐱𝐢𝐯, over again

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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝  ❪ xiv. over again ❫

❪ songbird: instagram ❫

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liked by harrystyles, jeffazoff and 75,098 others

GYPSY.N i'm sorry to say that i'm not on tour with harry anymore, but he's my best friend and i wouldn't change his annoying ass for the world 😚

view 2,679 comments

USER1 what the fuck has happened then. she can't
even tell the truth to us now?
GYPSY.N i'm not lying to you, nothing has
happened. h is still my bestest bestest friend x

USER2 i hope you're okay!
USER3 harry's probably finally realised what a
pain in the ass she is.

GYSPY.N i just want to clarify that harry has done
nothing, i've done nothing. i just miss my family so
much that i've come home.
GYPSY.N stop assuming things about other
peoples lives. focus on yourself and enjoying harry's
GYPSY.N i love you all dearly, and thank you for
coming to my ted talk.
USER4 preach bitch 🙌

USER5 how do you still look absolutely gorgeous
even through emotional trauma when i look like a
GYPSY.N you don't look like a rat, you look like
a princess. and i certainly don't look gorgeous
through emotional breakdowns.

EMIOZMAN love you dearly you gorgeous girl
GYPSY.N love you more emi, you're the best
angel ever !!

USER6 if harry's hurt in any way, shape or form
i will be throwing hands.
USER7 no you won't keyboard warrior.

HELENEPAMBURN get some rest and i'll hopefully
see you at the la show xxx
GYPSY.N i'll be there!!
USER8 at least she won't miss the final show x

USER9 i love you!
GYPSY.N love you too xxxx

HARRYSTYLES you're the best
GYPSY.N no you are :) (:
USER10 they seem to be okay 🤞

USER10 well. that crushes our dreams of harry
and gypsy ever getting together.
USER11 they're still friend idiot

REMI.JAG can't wait to see you. missed you. never
leave again.
GYPSY.N making no promises 👀
USER12 what is she planning??

USER13 atticus, gypsy and evelyn are going to be
back together i'm so excited!!!!!!
GREEN.EVE we're the best trio, aren't we?
ATTICUS eekkkk i'm so excited!!
GYPSY.N the energy in this thread is absolutely
USER13 we wouldn't have you any other way

ATTICUS you're the absolute shit my dear and
i'm sorry that you've had to leave but i get to see
you so i'm being selfish 🤪
GYPSY.N i love you so much it's ridiculous you
absolute spoon :) x
ATTICUS oi! who you calling a spoon?
GYPSY.N you!!

USER14 what do you think has actually gone on
behind the scenes. something bad will have had
to happen.
USER15 not necessarily. gypsy doesn't tour so
she might be actually missing home.
USER16 i don't think it's that though, her parents
we're performers, she's grown up touring.
USER17 i just think that we shouldn't jump to any
conclusions and like she said, it is just nothing.

gypsy.n liked user17's comment

GREEN.EVE you're coming home to me!! i've
missed you so much!!!
GYPSY.N i've missed you more, more than
worlds can describe.
FINNEAS i don't believe that's possible. she has
not stopped going on about you alllllllll the time you've
been away.
GYPSY.N it's nice to know that i'm loved

USER18 you look so cute!!!!!!

NICHOLASGRIMSHAW you show the mean man
who's boss!!!
GYPSY.N he isn't mean to me!!
NICHOLASGRIMSHAW well he's mean to me
dude wtf
USER19 this is all we need to keep us going

R_JAGGER nice of you to join us home dickhead
GYPSY.N piss off xxxx

USER20 i don't care what happened i just want
everyone involved to be okay 💞

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