𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐢, wolves

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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝  ❪ lvii, wolves ❫


gypsyysehhh 😚               gypsyattihoe 🤠                          atticusgreenhouse ass 🥵           evelyn jagass #1                               riley jagass #2                               remiblink twice if u need help   aiden

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gypsyysehhh 😚               gypsy
attihoe 🤠                          atticus
greenhouse ass 🥵           evelyn
jagass #1                               riley
jagass #2                               remi
blink twice if u need help aiden

attihoe 🤠
excuse-moi mrs styles in your private
story it looks like your suitcase is being
packed where the hell are you going?

greenhouse ass 🥵
i noticed that!

god i knew there was something i needed
to ask you about gyp but i just couldn't
remember what it was

gypsyysehhh 😚
nothing too exciting

harry & i are just road tripping to italy

buying a house and all that

jagass #1
woah what?

attihoe 🤠
did i just read that right?

u and mr. styles are buying a

in italy??????

jagass #2
you're moving to italy?

gypsyysehhh 😚

don't worry we're not moving to

it's going to be our holiday home

he explained it in such a cute way
about our kids

jagass #1

attihoe 🤠

gypsyysehhh 😚
hypothetical kids. i'm not pregnant.

our future kids.

attihoe 🤠
god maybe say that first before you
give me heart palpitations more than
you already do so.

blink twice if u need help
he screamed.

jumped out of my fucking skin

 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝  ━━  h.stylesWhere stories live. Discover now