𝐱𝐥𝐯𝐢, moments

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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝  ❪ xlvi. moments ❫

THE TWENTIETH OF april came quicker than the family had expected, but days seemed to go quite quickly in quarantine which nobody had expected. the routine the family had picked up over the first week or so had continued, but now, gypsy and harry spent their time glued at the hip and people were starting to suspect that this friendship might not just be a friendship anymore.

the first incident was quite early in the morning. gypsy and harry had returned from their morning run and decided that the kitchen would be a great place to have a cheeky kiss pressed up against the counters, completely forgetting that they weren't the only people within the house and remi did walk into the room to see her sister basically dry humping harry styles on the kitchen counter. gypsy honestly doesn't believe that she'd ever felt embarrassment like that day.

today, gypsy woke up to an abundance of small kisses being placed all over her face and neck, harry's face beaming a smile down at the girl from above. just the sight of his soft groggy face in the morning had her heart fluttering and her mind wandering.

"happy birthday, baby." he whispers, leaning down to place a kiss upon her lips which she catches by turning her head.

"thank you h but i'm not planning to start my birthday with morning breath." gypsy giggles, watching as he drops his head down upon her shoulder with a groan.

"are you saying i stink?" he asks, a pout upon his face. she copies his pout in a teasing manner which looks away from with a huff.

"i'm saying that just the idea of morning breath makes me feel sick." she replies, a grimace upon her features, "but i'll give you all the kisses in the world if we go brush our teeth right this second."

that's how the young couple ended up stood in gypsy's bathroom that she shares with her sister, toothbrushes dangling from their mouths and silly grins upon their faces. the small acts like these, the day to day things that they have started to do together are the things that gypsy loves the most.

"c'mon birthday girl." harry places a playful smack upon her ass, "we have a lot to do today?"

"how can we have a lot to do today?" the nick's girl asked with a raise of her eyebrow, "you do know we can't leave the house, right?"

"we don't have to leave the house." he retorts with a roll of his eyes, "you're turning twenty-six years old. you're old now, like me, and we're going to make the most of it."

gypsy ponders his words for a minute, "i'm confused, but very interested."

her siblings and her mother greeted the two of them as they walked down the stairs. gypsy couldn't help but smile at the decorations littered around the rooms. a cake sat in the middle of the kitchen table that looked lovely but she knew it was homemade due to harry and riley not allowing her to go into the kitchen yesterday.

"did you bake this?" she questions, a cute pout upon her lips as she wraps her arms around harry's middle, his hands reaching to rest comfortable upon her hips.

he hums leaning down to press pace a kiss upon her lips as she smiles, "used the skills that i learnt working in a bakery."

 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝  ━━  h.stylesWhere stories live. Discover now