𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢, you & i

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𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝  ❪ xxvii. you & i ❫

❪ songbird: youtube ❫

the video starts with gypsy dropping down onto the floor, no make up on, hair in a messy bun and a tired look on her face

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the video starts with gypsy dropping down onto the floor, no make up on, hair in a messy bun and a tired look on her face. she lets out a loud sigh and the camera zooms in on her face as she does so.

"so," she starts, clapping her hands together, "everybody has been waiting for this video," she scratches the top of her head, zooming in on it as she does so, "but, because i'm so original, i'm not just going to sit and talk to you," she explains, pulling an extravagant face as she does so, "i'm going to talk to you whilst doing my make up," she holds up her thumbs, "i think it's a great idea to do this and at the end i'm going to be making a very special announcement that i can finally tell you about!"

"so, i'm going to start this video by just doing my base make up and talking through my life. you've seen me do this thousands of times before," she says, holding her hands and shrugging, "i don't know whether this will be interesting but i think it'll be fun."

the video cuts to her applying some moisturiser to her face, rubbing it in small circles before starting to apply her foundation, "as a lot of you know, last year i decided to make the big move to paris," she says, whilst blending her foundation. she then starts putting a small amount of concealer on her blemishes and underneath her eyes, "to some people it may not seem like a big move but i grew up in a household that spoke english everyday and i had learnt french on my own, in my own time," she starts to powder her face, smiling as she does so.

"i honestly just felt that it was time for me to spend a year on my own in a place i had grown love throughout my life," she starts on her blush on contour as she continues speaking, "there wasn't anything that made me want to leave but i had spent years and i just felt like it was my time." she smiles at the camera and then accidentally hits herself in the face with her contour brush, causing a giggle to leave her parted lips. 

"now that my base is somewhat done, i'm going to start on my eyes," she says, picking up her favourite palette that was full of rainbow colours, "i think i'm gonna go for a very bright and euphoria inspired make up look," she smiles and dips her brush into her favourite pink, adding it to the outside of her eyes, "in my honest opinion i think to everyone out who wants to make the big move to another country but are scared, just do it."

she starts to laugh at herself, "just do it, nike's been saying it all along," she smiles, "you meet so many amazing people and new friends and possibly something more than friends," she wiggles her eyebrows, still blending the pink, "you just need to believe in yourself and do it."

she pretends she's in a makeup tutorial next and holds the palette up, dipping in the yellow and tapping the excess off very dramatically, "and you can stay there for as long as you want but i decided after a year that i missed day family too much and salem the absolute most."

she smiles and leans down to pick the cat up, salem immediately purring on the screen, "like how could i not miss this face," she strokes her quickly before the cat stands up and jumps off her lamp, gypsy jumping as she does so, "looks like she didn't miss me."

sad music starts to play and a grey scale filter in placed on her as she pretends to cry. it's all very hyperbolic, but that's what gypsy is like.

"i think i'm loving my yellow and pink eyeshadow but i think i wanna add glitter and pink stars," so she does. there's a big mess after she's finished but it's entertainment and she believes that the outcome is very cute.

"oh i'm absolutely feeling myself now," she says, posing into the came, holding up piece signs and pouting, "to finish up i'm going to add some lip gloss because it's my favourite thing beside blush."

"so to just finish the paris talk up, i know a lot of you have heard about esmé and i," she scratches her head, obviously feeling a bit awkward talking about it, "we just weren't as compatible as we thought and i still love that girl and i wish her the best in the world. there's no hard feelings and we certainly didn't cheat on each other," she lets out a sigh, "i'm glad to finally clear that up."

"i'm going to quickly do my hair and then i'll be ready to reveal the biggest secret i've ever kept to myself and i honestly don't know how i've done it."

she smiles and then the camera cuts to gypsy dressed, hair in space buns and black top on her body. she giggles one last time before becoming distracted by something behind the camera, where her window is. it zooms into her face before she snaps out it.

"okay, for the special announcement," she squeals and claps her hands, not knowing how to contain her excitement, "at the start of the year i had some auditions, obviously i was in france but it was with the idea to come back in june and start rehearsals for something."

"i was very surprised when i made it to call backs and everything started happening almost on acid but i was excited for this," she smiles, biting her lip, "and when i got the email that i was in i don't think i've ever been so excited in my entire life."

she smiles on last time, not knowing at all how to contain her excitement, "and now that it's finally hit december i'm allowed to say what i've been keeping a secret."

"starting in january i will be playing zoe murphy in dear even hansen along side jordan fisher!" she says, holding her arms out.

"if you've been watching my videos or following me for a long time you will know that musicals are my favourite thing in the entire world and this year i decided i would audition for a few," she says, smiling and shaking her head as she says the next line, "never in a million years did i think that i would be playing a once in a lifetime role on broadway, it's honestly baffling to me."

"i hope you aren't too disappointed with my announcement, it's very big to me and i hope my fellow musical fanatics agree," she smiles as she speaks, "i will let you all know when tickets go on sale and i hope you have all enjoyed this video."

"bye!" she says, smiling before the camera cuts off. a screen come up with her name and social media's before it cuts off.

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞
hi everyone!       i just thought to pop in and
thank you for all of the support you've given
on songbird, it means the world to me.       i
also thought i'd surprise you with a double
update   since  it's    my   birthday and i'm
feeling particularly nice!   please remember
to vote & comment. hannah :)

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