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(Back in Atlanta, Serenity's mom POV)

"Mommy I miss my sista!"August shouted at me. "I know me too baby."I gave him a kiss on the head. "Go get ready for your nap."I told august. He nodded then ran away to his room. I miss my baby, but she is in California Doing big things for herself and I couldn't be more proud of her. I got up from the couch and made my way to the kitchen to start making August his lunch but I was stopped by knocking on my front door.  I opened the door and was shocked by who I saw. "I thought you went to Europe."I asked him. "I was but I came back to try and talk to Serenity."Esteban told me. "Well you're too late unfortunately, she moved to California for school."I told him. "Well do you know where she lives? How can I find her?"He asked me. "Hold up, you're not about to go to California and mess up what my daughter hasgoing for her. She is getting her education and being successful. She is moving on from you! I've seen too many boys break her heart and come back to try and fix it. You broke her heart and broke up with her over Text! I will talk to her and see if she wants to talk with you! But until then.."I slammed the door in his face and locked it. I went back into the kitchen and continued to make August's lunch. While I was chopping some apples my phone started rining. I sat it on the counter next to me and put it on speaker. "Why you ain't tell me that Serenity moved to California!"Edison shouted. "First of all, she is a grown woman. If she wanted to speak with you she would have. Don't call my phone on that bullshit like I'm your fucking child!"I shouted right back at him. I hung up and put my phone on do not disturb. I don't have anything to speak with him about. Unless he is calling about August he can keep all the bullshit to himself because I do not need it.

Short chapter. Just a sneak peek on what's going on in Atlanta while serenity's in California. 😘

Not edited 😘

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