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California is weird, but it's good to have a change of scene I guess. I had my class changed from that creepy professor. Today I'm going to look for a job, my bills aren't gonna pay themselves. I got up from out of bed and went to take a shower. When I was done I went back into my room and got dressed. While I was doing my hair, my phone started ringing so I answered it. "Hello?"I spoke putting the phone on speaker. "Hey baby."My dads low voice answered. "What do you want?"I asked him. "Why you ain't let me know you was moving to California?"He asked me. "I tried to tell you when I first got accepted to UCLA but you didn't listen."I told him. "Oh well, I'm going to cashapp you 500 dollars."He told me. "Dad you don't have to do that I can take care of myself."I told him while doing my edges. "I know that, I just want to make sure you have everything you need."He told me. "Alright I have to go, love you."I said then hung up. Once I was done with my hair I grabbed my purse and left my apartment. I started walking down the sidewalk headed to the mall that was a couple minutes away. I really need to buy a car, California heat is no joke. Once I got to the mall I went into forever 21 to see if they were hiring. "Welcome to Forever 21."The lady at the cash register greeted me. "Hi, are you guys hiring?"I asked her while looking at the earrings they had on display. "I'm not sure, you will have to talk to our manager."She told me. I nodded then walked around the store looking for something cute to buy. While I was looking at this pair of jeans my phone dinged. I got a notification, it was cash app. He really sent me 500 dollars, I shook my head then stuck my phone back in my pocket. I kept looking at the pair of jeans and picked them up to go try them on. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."A girl spoke from behind me. "Huh?"I asked her then turned around. "Everyone comes in this store to specifically buy jeans, and some people try em on."She said. "What's your point?"I asked her. "Some have horrible hygiene."She point to the jeans. My eyes widened then I walked back over to the rack I got the jeans off of and put them back. "Guess I'll just stick to online shopping."I joked. "I'm Arianna."The girl told me. "Serenity, do you have Instagram?"I asked her. "Of course, follow me it's @arithebaddest."Arianna said while pulling out her phone. I nodded, "See you later."I waved her goodbye and walked out of the store. Guess I'll go to bath and body works and try again.
When I was done filling out an application at bath and body's works I sat down at the food court and got some Chinese cafeteria. "Something inside me told me that you were at the food court."Arianna spoke while sitting down infront of me and placing down a tray of Chick-fil-A foods. "Damn girl, did you order the whole menu?"I laughed. "One thing about me is that I don't play about my food. Call me a fat ass if you want."She laughed and ate a waffle fry. "Same."I smiled while taking a bite or my boneless sweet and sour chicken with my shrimp fried rice. "Ain't that a mess." Arianna spoke while pointing to a white girl that had Bantu knots in her head. "She know she look a hot mess." I crackled while sipping on my lemonade. "Why can't black people just be great without somebody tryna steal our shit?"Arianna thought out loud. I shook my head and took a bite of my chicken. "My brother throwing a party tonight, you want to come?"Arianna asked me. "Maybe, I have classes in the morning." I told her. "For real? Where you go?"Arianna asked while biting her spicy chicken sandwich. "UCLA."I told her. "Oh shit, you smart as hell I go to the University of Southern California!" Arianna exclaimed. "What you there for?"I asked her. "I want to be a social worker." She told me. "That's what's up."I nodded. "What you in school for?"She asked. "I want to be a lawyer."I told her while sipping on my lemonade again. "If I ever get in trouble with the feds you gon have my back right? You know they lookin for me." Arianna joked. "You play to much." I laughed. "I gotta head home to help my brother set up for his party."Ariana said while putting the rest of her food in the Chick-fil-A bag. "I'll text u my address if you decide to come."She told me then waved me goodbye. Maybe a party is what I need, I haven't had any fun since I've been in la. This should be interesting.

I need somebody to make me a fye cover pleaaase🙏🏾


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