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<mature scene ahead this is your warning>
(censored words)
(Omniscient Pov)

"Fuck."Jeremiah grunted as he pounded into Serenity. He buried his face in the side of her neck while going faster. "Mmhmm."She moaned into his ear while gripping his shoulders. He then pulled out and trailed kisses all the way down her body, from her breast to her stomach and finally to her p***y. He started to lick and slurp all around her inner thighs making her shake from the feeling. "Fuckkk!"Serenity shouted knowing that she was about to c*m. "Hold that shit in."Jeremiah said while playing with her p***y lips then sliding back inside of her. Jeremiah grunted from the warmth and leaned down to kiss her whole he realeased himself inside of her. Her legs started to shake as she finally reached her peak and c*me with him...

(Omniscient Pov over)

3 weeks later..

"Girl fuck him and everything he about."I told Arianna while writing down notes. "That's my brother remember." Arianna said while eyeing me and eating a waffle frie. I shrugged and continued to write down notes. All of a sudden I started to feel nauseous and hot. "You okay?"Arianna asked me. I shook my head and ran to the bathroom to throw up.
Arianna came behind me and rubbed my back and I vomited into the toilet. Once I was done I flushed the toilet and sat on the floor leaned against the tub. "No no no, I can't be pregnant I just started school! How am I supposed to take care of a child!"I shouted with tears building up in my eyes. "Hey calm down, first things first we need to make sure that you aren't so I'm going to go to Walmart and CVS and pick out a couple of tests and you will take all of them."Arianna spoke calmly while rubbing my back and sitting next to me. I smiled at her while wiping the tears from my face. "I will be back."She told me while exiting the bathroom.......

3 weeks later......

"Would you like to know the genders?"The doctor asked me. I shook my head no while staring at my shoes. "Alright, Your next appointment will be 2 weeks from now."She said then left the room. Arianna came in the room and sat next to me. "What's the gender?" She asked me. "I told her not to tell me." I spoke quietly while getting up and putting my clothes back on. "Aand have you thought about telling Jere-"

"I'm going to tell him I just need time." I said while cutting Arianna off. "Time for what? I'm trying my best to respect you and your privacy but those are my neices/nephews in your stomach and my brothers children. Jeremiah isn't a bad guy, why won't you just tell him?"Arianna spoke loudly. "I am going to tell him."I spoke slowly while grabbing my bag and exiting the room with her following behind me. "Well now is a great time don't ya think?"she whispered behind me. I raised my eyebrow then realized what she meant. Jeremiah was sitting in the waiting room with headphones on and lil baby blasting through them.  We walked up to him and he took his headphones off.  "What yall doing here?"He eyes us suspiciously. I kept quiet then Arianna nudged me. "I'll let y'all talk ima head home."She said then walked away. "What's wrong with her?"Jeremiah asked me while standing up and stuffing his headphones in the pockets of his joggers.

"Leggo."He said while wrapping his arm around my shoulder and walking me out of the hospital. "Where you park at?"I asked him because my feet were starting to hurt. "Over here."He pointed to his Escalade and I got in the passenger side and put on my seatbelt. "Mines or yours?"Jeremiah asked while getting in the drivers side.  "Yours."I yawned while resting my head on the window and rubbing my stomach. "You hungry?"Jeremiah raised his eyebrow. I shook my head and dozed off. 

20 Minutes Later....

"Yo wake up we here."Jeremiah tapped me on the shoulder while unbuckling my seatbelt and helping me out of the car. When we got inside I sat down on the couch and laid back. "You never answered my question."He said while sitting down next to me. "I'm pregnant." I blurted resting my arm across my forehead

to be continued...

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