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"I'm about to go to work serenity keep an eye on your brother"My mom told me while kissing me on the head. "Yes ma'am and can I have a friend over to work on a project"I asked her. "If its a male then i'm gonna hope I taught you right, remember if you ever have any questions about se-", "Bye mom have a good day at work!"I semi-yelled- while pushing her out the door. Ugh parents, so nasty.

      Knock Knockkk

I hope it isn't who I think it is. I opened the door and saw it was Noah standing there with a smirk on his face. "Every time you see me you have to have a smirk on your face like you accomplished something"I told him while opening the door so he could come in.  "Oh babe its just a permanent feature on my face"He said while chuckling. I turned around and noticed he didn't have his book bag with him. "Were the hell is your book bag?"I asked him while raising my eyebrow. "Oh don't tell me you actually expected me to do some work?"He laughed. "Dude this project is 50% of our grade, and i'm damn well not doing it by myself so I'd advise you to stop  laugh go home and get your shit and be back here in 5 minutes"I told him with a stern look on my face. "Chill chill I was joking"Noah replied then walked back outside grabbing his book bag. "You play way to much"I told while sitting down at our table opening my book bag grabbing the rubric, pencils,paper and opening my laptop. "So what did Ms.Fritz say we had to make a portfolio about again?"Noah asked me while opening his book bag and taking out a notebook. "Sexual Health, including sexually transmitted diseases, contraception, and pregnancy,Society and Culture, including gender roles, diversity, and sexuality in the media"I read off the paper. "Interesting, by the way sweet cheeks those shorts you have on are giving me a great view of your a-". Before he could finish I ran upstairs to change.

When I cam back downstairs I saw that Noah was on the phone so I went into the kitchen to get a snack. I was reaching for a bag of hot fries on the top shelf. Then I felt a presence behind me and a hand reach over my head to grab the hot fries. "Here you go sweet cheeks"Noah whispered in my ear then put the hot fries on the counter. "T-t-thanks"I replied.

I turned around and went to sit on our island. I looked up and saw that Noah was staring at me. "Can I have my face back?"I asked him. "Nah I want it"He replied then started to walk towards me and ending up between my legs. "Umm you ever heard of personal space?"I asked him whle chuckling. He just stared at me.


"I think you should come back tomorrow so we could get some actual work done"I told Noah while hopping of the island. He nodded, "You can let yourself out"I told him while walking out the kitchen and going upstairs



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