•Chapter 1: The meeting•

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"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Yelled a blue haired boy, known as Shuichi Saihara, bursting the black door open. He was then followed by a group of policemen who where pointing their guns at the figure that stood in front of them. The room they were in was small and it would be completely dark were it not for the light that was peeking through a window, pushing the blackness away with and making  the boy they were looking for visible. The detective widened his eyes in disbelief while looking at the person that stood before him. So this was the most wanted criminal in Tokyo, Kokichi Ouma? Impossible. He looked like a ten year old kid, there was no way he could be taller than 1,60 meters and, judging by his small figure, he probably didn't weight much. He had purple hair, which curled up at the end, his eyes were a violette tint; he was wearing a white, worn out shirt adorned with colorful buttons. His trousers were the same as his upper clothes and his neck was covered by a black and white, checkered scarf. He looked at the cops standing in front of him poker-faced.

"Uh guys, are you sure this is him?" Questioned the detective.

"Yes, we are completely sure," one spoke up. "Don't let his childish looks get the best of you. We once fell into his trap, and, thinking he was just an innocent child, we let him go. What a mistake..." She explained with a sigh.

Shuichi couldn't believe it, was this really him?

"Oh my! Looks like you've caught me!" The young looking boy exclaimed all of the sudden, putting his hands up. The cops hesitated for a second before putting their guns down. One of them got closer to the criminal, holding a pair of handcuffs.

"Now!" Said Kokichi, a creepy smile appearing on his face. Before the men could react, a bunch of people dropped from the roof, stabbing needles into the cops' necks. After some seconds had passed, all the ones who had been injected fell on the floor with a loud thump. All except for one. Kokichi started walking towards Shuichi at a slow pace, the latter flinching every time the former took a step closer. Eventually the purple haired boy reached up to him and got on the tip of his toes, their faces getting closer.

"W..what did you do to them?" asked the young detective, a noticeable fear in his tone.

"I killed them." Answered the shorter one as if it was an every-day thing. A smirk made its way onto his mouth while he looked at the other's shocked expression. "Nishishi~ it was just a lie~".

Shuichi pulled him away, anger growing inside of him.

"Huh? You don't like lies?" The criminal asked in an innocent voice.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM?!" The blue haired boy repeated raising his voice.

"Jeez, we just put them to sleep for a while." It was then that Shuichi realized that there were other people surrounding him. Their faces were hidden behind clown masks and they were wearing exotic white clothes, similar to the ones Kokichi was wearing.

"Hey guys, you should start packing up your things cuz, unluckily, we have to move." The supreme leader pointed out, a voice tinted with utter boredom. 

"But, where are you going? Ouma-kun?" Asked a guy with blonde hair. "And what do we do with him?" He pointed at Shuichi.

"Let him go without worries. I'm just gonna look for another place where we can stay at." Kokichi said carelessly as he walked through the already opened door, sunlight hitting him in the eyes once he stepped outside. He tidied his scarf as he started walking.

Suddenly, someone grabbed his wrist and gripped it hard, preventing him from keep going. He turned around to see none other than Shuichi Saihara, now that it was bright enough he inspected him better. The boy was wearing a black uniform with thin, white strikes stamped on it. He covered a part of his hair and a little bit of his eyes with a black hat. It was then when he focused on them, his eyes, those golden-yellowed eyes, they were... pretty.

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