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Madeline continued walking as the rain stopped and when she realized she was lost, her eyes looked around the unfimiliar streets and building, yet now nothing really mattered, she were lost anyways, inside... Madeline's head shot up as she heard a sudden boom from the dark cloudy sky and a beam of light a shot down, a sudden gust of wind blew on her face, she closed her eyes as it did. And when curiosity took over her, she ran towards where the light landed. Madeline found herself in the middle of a park, and stopped as she stared at the ground, a hole was formed, there were some markings around the hole , but was destroyed by something that landed. She slowly peeked inside and found something glowing, no, not something , it was Someone! A man , with slick black hair and pale handsome features, he wasnt wearing normal loooking clothes , instead, something that looks like black and green leather with golden armour. She gasped and slid down there to help him up, placing his head on her laps, with her hands caressing his face, you slightly shook his shoulder trying to wake him up , but he groaned in pain in reply. Madeline managed to help him out if the abyss, laying him in the soft grass. "Oh god please don't be dead, how did he even-" you were interrupted by a sudden movement from his fingers, it twitched, he's waking "oh my god are you ok? Can you get up?" She asked worriedly as his eyes fluttered open showing her his beautiful green eyes , so beautiful that she got lost in it. "Who is this stranger?" She asked herself "I'm Loki of Asgard!" He shouted as he read her mind , startling her , but his eyes then was filled with pain and sadness , his gaze upon her softened , before she heard his plead "please help me..." And fainted once more in her arms.

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