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Madeline was walking in a garden , the sun shining on her face, everything felt calm and peacful. Birds singing in the trees swaying slowly with the wind, "hey Madeline! " someone called, a girl's voice she don't recongnize "hey!" she called again walking towards her, the girl was beautiful, blonde long curly hair, wearing a long white sleevless dress, and something was on her back, wings! Madeline stumbled back, thinking she were dead , and like the girl read her mind she chuckled "its ok Madeline, you're not dead" her voice was so sweet and kind , " th-then where am I ?" She asked " Valhalla! Dont-dont you remember ?..." she asked slightly tilting her head, Madeline shook her head , and a dissappointed look appeared on her face " I'm- I'm Lily , Madeline, we-we're angles, we're friends! I'm sorry you were banished but-" "what? what do you mean angles? Valhalla? banished? I don't even know you!" She interrupted scared and confused. Lily placed both hands over her mouth , as if she was trying not to cry, but her eyes was watery as she looked at her with sadness "You'll remember , I promise, but it's not time yet" she said before flapping her wings sending waves of strong wind , blowing her away...

She then woke shooting up from her bed , her alarm ringing , she turned it of and still dumbfounded of the dream "What angles? what did she meant by banished?" She were lost in thought until she heard a loud bang from the kitchen and heard "ah! stupid mortal pot!", then Madeline remembered Loki was outside so she rushed out to see what happened, only to find him in the kitchen cursing under his breath. She walked in and helped him clean up the mess "what were you doing Loki?" She chuckled " I was hungry and I didnt want to wake you yet, so i decided to take matter into my own hands" he said " well next time you can wake me" she smiled. She made him breakfast, and taught him how at the same time, telling him the basics first. " You're a fast learner" she said "I get that a lot " he smiled while cooking scrambled egg. To her surprise he wasn't looking at the pan, instead he was staring at her the whole time. "what?" She asked , "nothing "he chuckled, but Madeline could see him blush and she felt heat rising to her face. Her phone rang, "sorry" she said taking out her phone , it was Tom "what does he want" she thought.
" Hello?" She said
"hey Madeline, it's me um Tom,ehehe" he chuckled nervously
his little laugh could warm hearts
"yes?" She asked again
"I really need your help" he said
"what is it?"
"remember I told you about asking Amelia to the Prom?"
"Please tell me, shes not going" She thought
"Well, she thinks I like you and you like me, as in more than friends like.. So I just want you to help me tell her that we're just friends" he said happily like it was just a simple task, she felt her heart drown in dispair and sadness, dissapointment , actually no words could discribe the feeling she was feeling right now. She went quiet..
"hey Maddie? you there?" She heard him ask, calling her nickname
She wiped away the tears before they rolled down her face
" Hey, we are just friends right?" he asked again
"Yea.. Just friends, I'll tell her when I get the time." She said with a happy tone, maksing away the sadness
"ah good... " he somhow sounded ...dissapointed?
" I need go now, bye Tom"

"Who was that?" Madeline heard Loki said, and turned around finding him right behind her
"Oh just a -a friend.. of mine" she replied forcing herself smiling a bit
" you look..sad Madeline, something wrong?" he asked
" no I'm fine Loki, I'm fine" she smiled , turned and tried to leave , but he grabbed her wrists and pulled her back, hugging her in his strong arms "I know something is wrong, just tell me if you want to, I consider you as a friend.." he said softy , she felt his warmth against hers and it felt so calming..she nodded in respond " I am your friend right?" he asked, Madeline pulled away and smiled " of course you are Loki, friends" she said smiling, and took her bag "don't burn my house" Madeline joked causing Loki to chuckle before she left for school

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