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Because i haven't uplaod in a while, and my little mortals have been waiting patiently , here it is! its longer than the other ones I wrote, consider it as a reward to your patience. I hope you enjoy and thank you all for your support and comments :)

Madeline left the room for a cup of water as requested by Loki, which was in the end of the hall way, she walked all the way over and did what she was told. "almost there..." She murmured to herself as she started to fill the cup with water and stood back straight when she's done, But what scared her most was when she turn to see Tom flying out the room and pinned to the wall by an invisible force. Madeline ran to him to see his pale face and the corner of his lips bruised and bleeding, he-he was CHOKING! She quickly turned to see where Loki stood , with his raging face his hand was held towards like he was holding someone's neck, he was also bruised and bloody, but Tom was obviously having trouble breathing "LOKI! " she called out in panic , trying to pull Tom off the wall, he didnt even budge, his face was turning red "LOKI!!' She called again, this time louder and Loki looked at her like he was in a trance of his own anger, he quickly let Tom go, leaving him coughing, breathing in air literally for his life, he couldn't even stand , tumbling down to the marble floor with her trying to hold him up "I-Im sorry.." Loki whispered shakily. Madeline didn't even bother to look at him, and when Tom seemed to recover she stood up, angrily and stormed to Loki's direction and with loud smack, she slapped him across the face "YOU ALMOST KILLED HIM !" She shouted with anger "look he-he was-" " HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING?!" She shouted again, interrupting him "LISTEN TO ME MADELINE! HE WAS-" "No... no , I'm done, you- you stay here , I'm taking Tom home" SHE said in a tired tone , and helped Tom up , helping him out all the way out, while hearing Loki calling " No ! YOU CAN'T GO WITH HIM! HE'S NOT WHO YOU THINK HE IS!" echoing through the halls.

Madeline drove while Tom laid on the backseat with his feet up on the the other side, which in her life she'd never thought would see him do. "Um Tom? what are you doing?" She chuckled with a smirk "I thought you didn't like to get your car dirty sitiing with your shoes on the seats like that?" She said looking through the rear -view mirror to his relaxed poisture, "whats the problem sitting like - oh um ..right" he cleared his throat sitting properly like he used to, his knees spreaded miles apart like always and looked at the window furrowing his eyebrows like something was bothering him. It was queit, so queit that it made you uncomfortable "so who's this Loki?" he asked breaking the ice "I told you Tom he's my-" " I meant Who he is, to you?" he inturrupted , not looking at her as his eyes still remained to the view outside "He's a friend Tom, Nothing more.. Why would you care all of a sudden?" She asked wanting to ease the tention "Why? becuase that Loki nearly killed me! " he said rasing his voice, Madeline flinched a little but it didn't seem to bother him, which was odd. again which he rarely do especially in front of her "I also ..care.. for you" he said finding his words slowly looking at her eyes in the mirror as she sighed "I-I'll deal with him Tom.." Madeline said and Tom nodded.

After they arrived at Tom's place, he invited her in to make her some earl grey tea "oh Tom you sit down and I'll make the tea" she offered "How about no? if I just sit here I wouldn't be the gentlmen you always liked now would I?" he smirked turning his heels heading for the kitchen leaving Madeline blushing crimson. The both of them took your time sitting down, catching up on life like they haven't really sat down and talk after Prom night, which he seem to constantly bring up
"I still dont get it" Tom said
"get what?" She asked again
"why you left that night...without dancing with me, I assume I did something wrong?" he said looking at her with his puppy dog eyes. And Madeline felt butterflies erupted in her stomach.
" I told you Tom I got a bit...sick, trust me ,you had nothing to do with it" she said and gave him a weak smile, looking down to her hands which were holding the tea cup tightly. Tom took a deep breath and stood up in front of her "well, you still owe me a dance mi'lady, may I?" he said bowing slightly and offered his hand for her to take "Tom, here? we don't have music to dance to" she joked laughing a bit "that could be arranged" he smirked and took what seems to be a remote control and pressed the play button, then slow, soothing music filled the house. Madeline smiled widely as he offered his hand to her again, and she took it, his hands placed soflty on her wasit and hers behind his neck, swaying softly to the music in rythm, for a moment, Madeline thought there was only the both of them left in this world and they only have each other.

They danced untill the song ended , and Madeline curtsied as he bowed , and both ended up laughing like two idiots. "That was amazing!" Tom smiled "indeed it was" she chuckled and thats when she noticed that her nose and his were only inches apart, she could already feel his minty breath on her lips , his eyes looked into hers deeply and leaned in, but she noticed his eyes weren't the deep blue colour they used to be, they changed in a mere second ! instead they are light blue and now glowing. Madeline shifted herself out of his grasps and took a better look , and it was definatly not the Tom she knew
"who are you?" She asked pushing im away
"what do you mean? I-Im your best friend, Tom" he said taking a step foward but she stumbled back
"No stop lying to me,you're not Tom. WHO.ARE.YOU?" She asked again in a demanding tone
He laughed darkly "Your Precious Tom is in here...somewhere, and since I am in need of his mind, sometimes he'll appear back to his state while I hide behind his thoughts, and sometimes I take over " he said pointing at his temple. Looking at him with terror she swallowed hard, and asked him again "then who are you?" She murmured in fear "Im your biggest nightmare" he whispered in her ear

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