Taking Aim

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I quickly hit the final 1 on the keypad before shoving my phone back into Jace's hands, "Talk to dispatch." 

When I was sure he wouldn't break down on the phone, I turned back around and started to rummage through my desk. I pulled a Glock from one drawer and a full clip from another. Alastor had insisted I get some sort of defense if I was going to be working late nights at the office. 

Jace's eyes went large at the sight of the gun, "Um.... shouldn't we wait for the police?"

"How far out are they?" I asked, not looking up from the gun.

"Dispatch said five minutes." He replied, still holding my phone as he shook like a leaf. 

"There's your answer," I said, moving him out of the way and opening the door. If Edgar was going to play like this, I wasn't going to cower in the corner any longer. 

I made my way down the corridor, where I saw people peaking out from their hiding places. Was I the only one armed here? I made a mental note to place incentives for people who wanted to go through the necessary training to conceal and carry. I'd be damned if this was going to happen again. 

Slowly, I made my way down the stairs to the second level, where I could hear Edgar yelling at anyone still nearby. He was waving around an antique pistol that normally sat in a glass case in his parlor. I highly doubted that thing had been sighted in in at least a hundred years. 

Peeking around a corner, I watched my deranged cousin scream in a fit of rage. He was swearing to anyone nearby that they had betrayed him when they let the red-suited bastard and his whore take over his paper. I waited until he had his back to me before I raised my own gun.

My heart was pounding in my chest as I looked down the sighting and took my aim. I could feel my throat constrict as willed my brain to shut down. This wasn't something I could choke on. Edgar had to be stopped before he killed anyone else. 

Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I took my aim and squeezed the trigger.

Author's Note

Alright you amazing deviants, this was a heavy chapter. Gun violence is a major issue in today's society and these last chapters hit on that. 

Both of my parents were sheriff's deputies while I was growing up. I was raised in a house that taught gun safety from a young age. I was raised to believe guns are a tool and are only as good or evil as the person using it. 

If you wish to conceal and carry (or open carry), it is your responsibility to make sure you have the proper training. Take at least one gun safety course a year to stay on top of your training and know the necessary self-defense laws. 

This was a serious chapter, but the next one will be a bit lighter. Thank you for all your love and support. I couldn't do this without you guys <3


Avia Rein

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