3) The New Kids

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Marinette's POV
As Adrien and I walked to our next class, I couldn't help but notice how guilty he looked about his detention.

"Rain check?" I asked, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Rain check."

I mean, don't get me wrong, I was disappointed that we had to reschedule tonight's date, but we spend so much time together anyways. And let's just say I'm not too worried about it affecting our relationship. I mean, school, patrol, not to mention the fact that he's at our bakery more often than at his own home, most people would think I'd be sick of him by now.

But I just can't. I physically cannot be tired of seeing him. His golden hair, emerald eyes, his sweet smile and even his obnoxious smirk... they were perfect, he's perfect. And he's mine.

Side by side we entered Ms Bustier's class and took our seats.

"Girl! Did you here about the new kids?" Alya whisper shouted next to me.

"New kids?" I replied, quite curious as to why I hadn't heard anything about them before. I was, after all, the class president.

"Yeah, they're supposed to be from Lyon or something. And get this... they're twins!"

"Cool." Alya seemed quite intrigued by these new Parisians, whoever they might be. I shrugged it off. It must be the reporter in her.

"Good morning class! As you may have heard, we have two new students joining us this morning." Ms Bustier gestured to two teenagers beside her. "Would you care to introduce yourselves?"

All of a sudden I saw why the rest of the class had been in such a frenzy. The twins were gorgeous!

The boy looked like an exact replica of Adrien, the only notable difference being his midnight blue hair, similar to mine. The girl also resembled Adrien, a near gender bent perfection of my boyfriend to be honest.

"Hey," the boy began. "I'm Hugo A-Dubois. And this is my twin sister, Emma."

I don't know what he did wrong, but something in Hugo's initial sentence earned him an elbow in the ribs from his sister.

"We're from Lyon, we just moved to Paris last week, and we have a little brother in 9th grade enrolled here as well." Emma stated.

"Wonderful!" Ms Bustier chirped. "And we hope that our students make you feel welcome in your new home! So Emma, would you take a seat by Alya and Marinette..." We raised our hands to signal her towards us, but she had already seemed to be walking in our direction. Weird.

"And Hugo... hmm... how about we put you by A-" The teacher was suddenly cut off by a rare species of brat wishing to make her presence known from across the room.

"Me!" Chloe yelled. "I'm sure Hugo would love to sit by me and Sabrina, wouldn't you hot stuff." She smirked.

Poor Hugo looked quite uncomfortable in the situation, but the moment she winked at him... he lost it. Even from my seat I could tell the poor boy was doing everything in his power not to double over in laughter.

I was liking him already.

"Well, actually Chloe, I believe it would work better if Hugo sat by Adrien and Nino. First row on the right." She directed him.

Chloe let out an obnoxious "humph" from her seat, clearly upset she wouldn't be sitting by the newest hot boy in the class.

- • - • - • - • - • - • -

Me and Alya walked to lunch with Emma. We had introduced ourselves earlier, and we invited her to lunch. She seemed like a nice girl.

In the short time we had to get to know her, we already had gathered that she was a momma's girl, wanted to be a vet (she really loved cats), and had to deal with her brothers and dad's pun based sense of humor.

Sounds familiar.

As we entered the cafeteria, we noticed the boys (accompanied by Hugo) signaling us their way.

"Hey." Alya greeted. Soon the six of us began chorusing in our own "hello"s and "what's up"s.

"Hi. I'm Hugo." The midnight hair boy replied.

"Hey Hugo, I'm Marinette, and this is my best friend Alya."

"So you're the famous girl Adrien has been refusing to shut up about!" This earned a chuckle from the rest of the table.

"Hey! It's not my fault I'm dating the most beautiful woman in the world, no offense to you girls," he offered to Alya and Emma who were currently snickering from across the table. Adrien slowly snaked his arm around my shoulders. "She's like my sun. I'm always being drawn to her. She's warm, light, I literally need her to survive, not to mention... she is hot." He drew out his last point to emphasize it, but no one noticed due to him being drowned out by laughter.

"Kitty," I began while attempting to maintain my composure, "you have many talents, but poetry is not one of them."

"You're right," he smirked. Oh no. He had some witty remark built up in there, purely meant to forcibly make me roll my eyes at his dorkiness. I was quite surprised when it made me blush instead. "I'll leave the poetry to you. Your best piece, I'd have to admit, would be that one from our freshman year. When we 14. Do you remember? The one you wrote me for Valentines Day?"

My face quickly paled, a light roseish tint spreads across my cheeks. "Sh- shut up." I stuttered. His smirk only widened.

"Anything for you, m'lady." And he concluded with a wink that would make any other girl grab him by the collar and kiss him.

I, on the other hand, took it as a motive to shove (or rather punch) him in the shoulder. He had been laughing so hard at this point, that the light and playful gesture had knocked him off his seat and onto the floor.

Let's just say the love of my life stayed quiet after that.

- • - • - • - • - • -
Alya, Hugo, the twins and I had agreed to meet up after school to give the new students a tour of our city. It would at least give me something to do while I was, note, not on a date with Adrien... who would just so happen to be rotting away in detention for the next two hours.

I quickly met the group on the front steps of the building.

"Ready?" I asked the siblings. Emma gave a shy smile, Hugo a Chat Noir worthy smirk, as they responded in unison.


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