15) The End?

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Emma's POV
After a couple hours of questioning and witness reports, Hugo, Alya, and I were released from police custody.

By now the crowd had thinned out, leaving only a few emergency vehicles and personnel, and our family and friends sitting on the other side of the park.

As we made our way to the hospital to check on Louis, I set my pace a few meters behind the others, desperately needing the time to think.

"Hey," Adrien appeared next to me, noticing my lagging behind.

"Hey." I softly responded

"So, I just wanted to say thank you. You know me and your mom would never ask you to put yourself in a situation where you could get hurt, but we needed you. If you guys hadn't intervened when you did, we never would have risked calling Lila's bluff, so... thanks."

I smiled in reply.

"Any time dad."

The rest of the walk, we didn't say much. We walked side by side behind the others. But I was finally at peace. Louis would be all right, Lila is gone, time is back on track, and we could go home.

- • - • - • - • - • -
Louis's POV
I was released a few hours after arriving in the emergency room. All I had were a few bruises and a sprained ankle from my awkward fall into the beam behind me.

Mom decided to spend the night at the mansion, after my siblings and I decided we would head back to our own time after school the next day, and we talked the night away.

- • - • - • - • - • -
Throughout the school day I was bombarded with questions. I quickly answered before working my way around the crowds. I only came for one reason, and that was to say goodbye.

What? I was there for a month and a half and you thought I couldn't make any friends? I happen to be quite a social guy thank you very much.

"Dude!" My friend Tommy yelled as I made my way to the lunch room.

"Surprised to see me here?" I laughed.

"Yeah!" Violet answered. "It looked like you got pretty beat up yesterday. How did you even get up there?" She questioned.

"Long story." I replied with a coldness in my voice that warned them to change the topic.

"O-oh," Tommy responded. "Well what's up?"

"Actually," I began, "the reason I did come to school today was to let you know that I'm leaving."

"What?" Violet yelled, a bit too loudly. I wasn't as oblivious as my parents, and a couple weeks ago I had come to the conclusion that she might have a bit of a crush on me.

"Yeah, my Dad's job opportunity, the one he came here for, didn't work out. We're going back to Lyon in the morning."

"That soon?"

"Yeah, our old house still hasn't sold, so we made a deal with our real estate agent to take it off the market."

The bell rang almost as soon as those words left my mouth, so the three of us started making our way down to class.

"And I just wanted to thank you guys for being my friends. I know how hard it is being the new guy, and no one's ever made me feel more welcomed than you two." I sat in my desk at the back of the room before continuing.

"So thank you." Tommy and Violet smiled as they took their seats in front of and next to me before the bell rang and the lecture began.

- • - • - • - • - • -
"Ssssss," I hissed midway through the lesson.

I received a few odd looks in my direction, but my attention was on my left wrist.

"Is something the matter Mr. Dubois?" Mrs. Jenkins asked.

"Could, I go to the bathroom?" I weakly asked, excusing myself as I rested my hand over the watch, trying not to let the searing pain get to me.

I ran to the restroom and locked myself in a stall. And that's when I noticed it.

On the face of the time machine, square center of the device, lay a deep gouge.

"Oh no." I muttered, "this is bad. This is really bad."

My skin under the watch continued to buzz.

The shield to the gut or my fall must have damaged it. Who knew how this could affect-

Oh no. This could affect us going home.

And with that I ran.

- • - • - • - • -
Hugo's POV
I had said goodbye to the class at lunch, so I had one weight lifted off my shoulders.

The real question now was how to say goodbye to mom and dad.

"Excuse me class, I need to go pick up some copies from the library, continue working on your worksheets and I'll be back in a few minutes." Ms. Bustier informed as she exited the classroom.

Not less than a minute later, the door cracked open. Except, it wasn't my teacher standing behind it.

"Adrien, Marinette, Hugo, Emma," my little brother requested. "Can I, talk to you guys outside?"

- • - • - • - • -
Marinette's POV
As soon as we got outside, Louis explained the cracked watch situation.

"So..." Emma began.

"So," Hugo didn't make it too far either.

"So, you guys have to go. Now." I stated, hating the fact that it sounded like I was kicking them out.

"Yeah," Emma responded.

"Thank you," Adrien told them, "for everything. I don't know what will happen next, but I know that I can't wait for our future." He gave each of the kids a hug, but they looked too in shock by the sudden development to respond.

"I'm not the best at goodbyes," I admitted, "so I won't say it. Thank you for everything, I never dreamed of a future like the one you guys showed us, and, well, I guess we'll see you guys in a few years." I hugged each of them as well before forcing myself to take a step back into my boyfriends embrace.

"Well, um, we'll see you later." Louis said as he gave a shy smile.

We smiled back.

"See ya."

Adrien and I closed our eyes as we were surrounded by a bright, white light.

But the moment I opened them, i realized something was very, very, wrong.

Not over yet! Hi imaginary readers! 👋 We're still going! And here comes the plot twist...

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