32) A Night To Remember

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Janson's POV
The car ride was awkward, to say the least. Even though everything had seemed to go back to normal between us and the twins, Kaleb and Kayla were another story.

When we finally arrived at the school, Cole and Alyssa stood there to greet us.

"Hey guys! Glad to see you made-" it was then Cole noticed all the other luxury cars pulling up behind our own. "Wow."

"Our parents kinda payed for transportation for the entire exchange class." Hugo admitted. "Should we head in?"

"After you, m'lady." I turned around to see Kaleb giving his date a quick bow as he kissed the back of her hand, leaving Kayla giggling and grinning.

"Thank you my prince."

I had to admit, even though something was clearly off about them, they were an adorable couple.

For one, she was gorgeous and he wasn't bad looking himself. Their apparel for the dance would make anyone jealous, and I assumed that Kayla had made it all herself. They looked perfect together.

And even though we had only spent a short time with them, it was clear that they had an incredible bond. Emma and I were close, but as much as I hate to admit, it was nothing like those two had. It's hard to put into words, but it's like they're simply soulmates. Two sides to one coin. That much was obvious.

Kaleb always stood by her side, stuck up for her, and would constantly flirt, kiss, hug, or just tell her he loved her.

In response, she would always be the first one by his side if something was bothering him, she would listen to him and comfort him when needed, and she always smiled when he was around her.

"Yeah," I finally responded to Hugo, putting Emma's hand in mine, "let's."

- • - • - • - • - • -
Emma's POV
The student population froze as we made our entrance. It took me a minute to understand why everyone was gaping, but then I noticed Adrien and Mari.

They were lost in their own world, not noticing the commotion around them, but no one could keep their eyes off of the two.

It was no surprise, though. They looked absolutely amazing.

After a breathtaking minute, everyone began to forget about the couple and melted back into their previous positions.

Everyone was dancing, talking, and laughing. Even Celeste seemed to be having a good time trying to lure seniors back to her house.

I rolled my eyes before really getting my first glimpse of the dance.

The gym was breathtaking.

The balcony surrounding itself around the perimeter was covered in crimson, emerald, and black streamers.

The dark atmosphere was highlighted by the black lights over the dance floor, which was full of people.

Ladybug and Chat Noir banners and decorations hung on the walls, and all the food followed suite.

Most of the students had worn some shade of red or green, colors ranging from magenta to jade. The school had even added a masquerade factor, leaving most of the party-goers left in a mask.

The mood was made even lighter by the rumor that the heroes themselves would be crowning the king and queen at the end of the night, but even I didn't know whether or not it was true.

I glimpsed Mari and Adrien by the snack table, Alya and Nino by their sides.

I gave Janson a brief smirk before dragging him to the dance floor.

Let's get this party started.

- • - • - • - • - • -
Adrien's POV
Our second junior prom was going great, fun and lively, until almost midway through.

All of a sudden, towards the front of the gym, the student body gasped. Mari and I were pushed back as the room broke out into utter chaos.

"Don't you dare!" A voice screamed before anyone had made it out the door. "Lock them. If anyone tries to leave, I won't hesitate to blow this hellscape to pieces."

I looked, shocked, towards the source of the voice. A boy in a disheveled tux with messy hair stood on the podium, holding some kind of button in one hand and opening his jacket with another.

"Is that a-" my girlfriend whispered, looking at the thing hidden in the boy's suit.

"Bomb. It's a bomb."

Everyone was still, not daring to make a move towards the exit, until the boy spoke again.

"You, back there in the orange-" he pointed towards a terrified junior. "Lock the doors. Now. If you take one step out of this gym I swear to God you will regret it."

The girl nodded and followed his orders, her fingers trembling as she trapped us inside.

"Good girl. If anyone tries to contact help, I promise it will not end well either."

"Brady, why are you doing this?" A brave boy asked towards the front, a senior by the looks of it, a popular one at that.

"Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this?!" He grew increasingly agitated with each word, pulling on his dirty blonde hair with his free hand. "Do you know why it's like to be ignored, Zac? Ridiculed, hurt, invisible because I wasn't like you." The last word was quite accusatory, and he froze before continuing.

"My whole life I've been taken advantage of. Treated like shit because I didn't play a sport or because I wasn't special. Who are you to tell me what I'm worth? To determine my life long status? You had no right, and in return... I'll deem you just as worthless as me." He looked up from Zac, glaring at the rest of us, the hundreds of students occupying the space.

"All of you."

The upperclassmen all attempted to take another step back before being blocked by the walls.

"W-what if we do call for help? What happens then?"

"Then this really will be a night to remember." And with that, Brady gave a cruel grin. One that no one would forget anytime soon.

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