38) Homeward Bound

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Adrien's POV
The morning after the dance, our future selves sent cars to pick up our entire class. Being filled with questions, Janson, Jessie, Cole, and Alyssa decided to tag along as well.

As we pulled up to the mansion, my older self stood in the doorway, arms wrapped around his wife, as they smiled.

"Everyone okay?" She asked as we entered the house.

Most of my friends answered with a brief "yeah" or a stiff nod, still tired and worn from the night's events.

"I made pancakes!" She offered, suddenly lifting everyone's spirits.

The kitchen was set up buffet style, the island filled with piles of food, syrups, and toppings for everyone to enjoy.

Even though it was a Friday morning, there was no way they would let us go to school. Not that I minded. Pancakes beat learning any day of the week as far as I was concerned. My only complaint was the lack of-

I was interrupted mid thought by the future Marinette who had briefly tapped me on the shoulder.

"I made waffles too, you know," gesturing towards the small stack that my future self was already raiding, "go get 'em kitty." She giggled.

I didn't have to think twice as I left for the Adrien exclusive waffle pile. The kitchen was filled with laughter and food, everyone chatting and having fun. Seemingly forgetting last night's scare.

I joined Mari, the twins, Louis, Alya, Nino, and the four outsiders in the breakfast nook, pulling up chairs to squeeze around.

The mood grew more sullen as Alyssa looked up from her breakfast, eyeing us, before asking the question that had been on everyone's mind.

"Are you ready to explain?" She softly asked, her eyes desperate for answers.

I gave a brief smile before beginning. This was going to be a long conversation.

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Louis's POV
Was I disappointed about missing out on last night? Yeah. Was I envious of the twins, though? Not really. Around 10 last night mom and dad got a call from Max interrupting our Aladdin watching endeavors, but didn't give much of an explanation as they left in a hurry.

The rest of the night I stayed up watching movies and binge watching Netflix, attempting to make calls every once in a while to figure out what was going on.

Eventually, I fell asleep, just praying that my family was safe.

But the people I really didn't envy were Alyssa, Cole, Jessie, and Janson as they stood in awe trying to understand Mari and Adrien's explanation.

"So they," Janson gestured towards Alya and Nino, "are my parents?" He finally sputtered out.

"Purr-etty much." I replied, quite bored after hearing the story over and over. The only new piece of information was the bomb threat, so I sat and listened carefully to that summary.

"Are you going to... erase... our memories?" Cole asked, wincing at the word erase. Something that sounded so permanent.

"I don't know." Emma sighed, pondering how she should respond. "That was our initial plan, but... maybe it's time you knew the truth."

The rest of breakfast was full of questions and comments, particularly aimed towards being superheroes and time travelers, as Adrien constantly left to get more waffles and croissants.

"What?" He mumbled as we stared at him, his mouth stuffed with croissant. "These are really good!" Mari face palmed at her boyfriend before turning back to face us.

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