4) The Mistakes We Make

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Louis POV
School was a nightmare. I came to the past for the same reason as my siblings, to meet Mom and Dad. But apparently, it would be weird (according to Emma) if we pretended to be triplets. That, along with the fact that I did seem significantly younger, was reason enough for my big brother and sister to keep me in the 9th grade while they got to fake their way up a year.

Not to mention, from what I gathered from my new classmates, Ladybug and Chat Noir already defeated Hawkmoth. That was the whole purpose of coming! And we can't go back farther because who knows what any more time travel could do to our timeline.

And to make matters worse, I exit the building to see nothing more than Mom, Aunt Alya, and Uncle Nino getting ready to give my siblings a "Parisian style tour". The twins forgot me. Already.

"Hey sis," I emphasize as I make my way towards the group. "Whatcha doing?" Their immediate recollection of my existence was priceless. Emma and Hugo Agreste, members of the golden family, forgot their little brother one day in. That has to be a new record.

"Hey Louis..." Emma begins. She was never one to successfully hide her emotions, so her rosy cheeks and cheesy grin clearly displayed her little guilt trip.

"Who's this?" The blue head (which I believe would be safe to assume is my mother) asked.

"Oh, this is our little brother, Louis. Would you mind if, maybe, he tagged along?" Hugo asked, almost as red as Emma. You might not believe it, but this 15 year old can be scary when he wants to... and my dearest brother and sister did not want to face the wrath of their pawtastic little brother. Or his puurfect puns.

"Of course!" Marinette responded "the more the merrier! Let me just text Adrien and let him know where I'll be going..."

"Girl!" Alya snapped. "Your boo doesn't need to know where you are 24/7. Put the phone down. Don't make me call the PGCU."

"The what what?" Uncle Nino blankly asked.

"The PGCU, babe! You know, the Possessive Girlfriend Control Unit." The ladyblogger  rolled her eyes in reply as if this were common knowledge.

"I'm not possessive, Als! I told Adrien that I would be at home if he wanted to stop by once he got out of detention. I'm just letting him know there was a change of plans."

Aunt Alya was about to make what was sure to be some incredibly smart and witty comment in return, but Nino quickly changed the topic.

"So, little dude," He began. "Sorry about all this craziness. I'm Nino, the wacko one here is my girlfriend, Alya," He pointed towards the ombré hair girl. "And this is Marinette. Aka relationship goal of the year."

"Am not!" The bluenette snapped.

"Are too Mari! You and Adrien are so cute together it's sickening! Not to mention those pet names, what even are those? Princess and m'lady I get. But where the heck did bugaboo and kitty come from?" Alya retorted.

"And," Nino said to me. "The love of my life also happens to be the number one Adrinette shipper."

"Adrinette?" I asked. Of course I know what Adrinette is. Everyone knows who Adrinette is! But my strategy is playing dumb. I will mention, though, me and Plagg are avid Marichat shippers.

"Adrinette is the ship name for Mari and my dude Adrien. A few months ago she couldn't make a coherent sentence around him, now they're inseparable!" He exclaimed in reply.

"Oh. Where is this Adrien now?"

"Detention." Emma answered blankly.

"He's really cool though," Hugo continued. "I hope you get to meet him soon!"

"And I'm sure you will," Marinette cut in. "But for now, we need to get to the louvre before it closes. Come on!"

- • - • - • - • - • -

After a few hours of sightseeing and André's ice cream eating, the six of us called it a night. I joined the twins on our walk back to the hotel.

"So," I began. "Is this everything that you thought it would be?"

"Even though I am bummed about coming after the Hawkmoth drama," Hugo has clearly caught on to the fact that we wouldn't be watching any comic worthy battles. "It is. I mean... how many kids can say that they knew their parents growing up? Mom and Dad are awesome! Even when they aren't wearing masks."

"I agree," Emma began. "It's obviously too risky to mess with time anymore than we have too, so we can't go back any farther, but I'm not ready to leave yet." This shocked me. What was the point of all this if we wouldn't get to see Lb and Cn teenage-edition for ourselves?!

"I mean," she continued, "just because our original idea may not work out doesn't mean we need to forfeit all of our planning. I say we make due with the circumstances, get to know them as they are... I say we stay here." Hugo and I agreed. I mean, they were right. Even if we had to edit our game plan, we might as well take advantage of this opportunity.

As we walked into our suite, we immediately plopped down on the couch and turned on the news.

A voice echoed from the tv. "Don't be bemused, it's just the news. This is Nadia Chammack with the latest break. Ladybug and Chat Noir are back. We were promised safety with the downfall of Hawkmoth, aka Gabriel Agreste, six months ago. Tonight, a new villain is threatening the streets of Paris, and our heroes are on the scene. Who could this new menace be... and what do they hope to accomplish? Stay tuned for new updates eve-" Emma pressed the off switch immediately.

"This is bad," she began. "Really bad."

"I don't remember Mom and Dad ever saying anything about a new villain." I chipped in. "Who is it? Where did they come from?"

"The who, I don't know. The where... I do." Added Hugo. "Us. It had to be us. We knew our presence in this timeline would pose a threat, but we were stupid enough to ignore it. This is a disaster!" He sighed.

"But... what did we do? How did we, in one day, bring a new super villain into the mix?"

Everyone was silent until Emma chipped in her two cents. "Mom." She replied. "She said that she had told Adrien that she would be at home after school until we came along and changed her plans. According to her, they kept the miraculous box in a safe area of her room. When she was with us, and Dad was at detention, someone striked. And because she was giving us a tour, mom wasn't there to defend it. Because of us... we screwed the timeline."

Hugo and I stayed silent. She was right, after all. That was the only way someone could have snatched a miraculous. Someone knew that Marinette wouldn't be home.

I finished what everyone else was thinking. "And who knows what other changes we made, what other things we shattered in this timeline. We have to fix this. We have to fix our future."

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