18) Two on Two

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Marinette's POV
As soon as our future selves led us up the stairs and into their, our... screw this. Somebody's room, we all took a seat on the bed.

"So," future me began. You know, I was definitely not disappointed with my future self. Age has treated me pretty well by the looks of it, and save a few time traveling kids, it would be an arguably perfect life.

"We're assuming you have some question?" Continued future Adrien.

And hubba hubba.

Age had treated my boyfriend, wait fiancé? No... husband? Let's stick with boyfriend, well too.

At least I wasn't complaining.

"Maybe a few." My Adrien responded, not even bothering to take his eyes off of my future self.

"Actually I have one," Future me interrupted, "for starters, why don't we remember any of this?"

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"Well, if you are going through this whole time travel debacle, and you two are us, then wouldn't we have gone through the same thing?"

"You, me... I give up. I'm right," I tried explaining to the boys. "Time is like a movie. You can replay a scene, fast forward, pause it, or mute it, but no matter what you do, the picture will always be the same. If we had this experience..."

"Then we did too." Finished future Ab- I mean Adrien, "you're right! We had to have experienced this same event... but we don't remember it."

"I think we need to have a chat with Max."
- • - • - • - • - • -
(Future) Adrien's POV
"What's up Marinette? Adrien?" Max's voice asked through the speaker phone.

Mari, mini-Mari, mini-me, and I all surrounded the phone lying on the bed, anxiously waiting for some answers.

"Well... um... our children may or may not have, well, watch-napped your time machine, travelled back twenty years ago, broke it, and brought all our past selves back here." I quickly offered, hoping to rip it off like a bandage.

The receiving end of the call was silent, we were honestly getting ready to start betting whether Max had passed out or not, until we finally heard a noise.

"Ehh... uh... what? Huh..." he began rambling, obviously in shock.

"We're so sorry Max," my wife consoled. "We had no idea they even knew where the watch was hidden, much less try to use it. You know them, they're good kids. They made an honest mistake but we really need your help rig-" Her voice was cut off by Max, who had finally recovered from his initial shock.

"What do you need me to do?"
- • - • - • - • - • -
After almost twenty minutes of talking, planning, and guessing, the five... or three of us came to one conclusion.

"Mind wipe." Max blatantly stated. "You're right, we all should have memories of this experience if any younger versions of ourselves faced it, so my guess is that you two had this very conversation with your future selves and future me, and this has all happened before."

"And wiping our memories is the best way to fix everything? Is that even possible?" Inquired m'mini-lady.

"It's the only plausible theory. And considering I've already cracked into the space time continuum, it shouldn't take long to learn how to alter it. When all of our visitors from the past, including you two, have had all memories relating to time travel or Emma, Hugo, and Louis Agreste erased... then we should be able to send you back on your merry way and time will be in perfect balance."

"O-okay." I agreed. Though the details seemed a bit blurry, a plan developed by my wife and Max is not one I would bet against.

"How long will it take?"

"About a week or two, I presume. Your conference ends on Saturday, does it not?"

"It does." I verified.

"Then in the mean time you need to keep our mini selves inside and away from anyone who might recognize them. The less who know about this, the better."

"Sounds good." Replied mini-Mari.

"Works for me!" Chipped in my mini self.

"Then it's settled." I concluded. "By the time you leave, you'll have no recollection of any of this... you'll have to wait your turn."

"For this," mini-Mari gestured to the room and the rest of our world, "I would happily wait."

"Thanks again Max," M'lady commented before hanging up the phone.

"And we're sorry for getting you into this mess."

"Trust me. I owe you guys twenty times over, and I have all the notes I need to reconstruct my time machine and our new memory device. We'll fix this."

"We always do."

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