8) Puzzle Pieces

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Adrien's POV
It had been three weeks since Mari and I learned about Lila's rise from the ashes... and not much had changed.

Well, except for the new info about our future children coming to the past which is our present to meet us but everything went wrong and now we have to save them and our future before our perfect world shatters into a million pieces and all our hopes and dreams are all but destroyed.

Yup. That's about it.

M'lady, the kids, and I usually stayed pretty close and met up a lot in and out of school. We had made some progress on our plans to take down Volpina, who had officially introduced herself as Vixen this time around, but we still had no solution to our time dilemma.

Over the past weeks, we've fought six akumas. We learned that Vixen's trademark is using the fox's power of illusion to mask the villain's true ability.

For instance, one baddy came running at us using telekinesis and throwing objects at us with her mind. The next thing we know, though, she's invisible. It's like her powers just switched mid battle.

And who knows how dangerous that could be in the hands of a psychopath like Lila.

On the up side, Mari and I have learned a lot about our kids and our future. I guess they figured that we had already torn apart the future, and decided a little info couldn't possibly make matters worse.

Louis is like a mini Hugo, who just so happens to be like a mini me.

Louis wants to be an architect when he's older, always inspired by the ladybug's power of creation. His favorite color is green and he lives off of rocky road ice cream. His love of cat puns constantly annoys the girls of the family but makes him a fan favorite among the boys. Louis Agreste is incredibly smart and incredibly loyal, and though he can be quite stiff at first, he is a world class dork when you get to know him. His favorite Disney movie is The Lion King, his favorite food is ravioli (though he has taken after Plagg's liking of cheese), and though less recognizable than his brother and parents... that kid can still make an impression on the girls. Louis has Marinette's bluebell eyes and raven hair, but a jawline and nose (not to mention attitude) that greatly resembles mine. And like me, he enjoys quick and risky. He loves cars and skydiving and anything that involves speed, heights, and adrenaline.

It's like, even though he (or his siblings for that matter) don't have a miraculous of their own, they still inherited some uncommon abilities due to their parents being the chosen wielders of the most powerful miraculous' in existence. Physically, they are stronger and faster. They have better flexibility, hearing, and coordination than most teenagers, but they also have a mental edge. It's as if they are natural heroes. They are smart and creative, they know how to use a situation to their advantage. And when needed, they each have an edge to them, one that could rival the sharpness of a blade. That must be a consequence that comes from growing up like that, always hearing about your parents and friends being threatened or hurt.

But moving on.

Next, there's Hugo. Hugo is the girls boy and party goer, the one that knows he has power and looks and fan girls, and he uses it. At first glance, he may seem quite snobby and stuck up, but he's not. His use of influence is strategic, not show offy. He uses that power when circumstance calls. He's a lot like Marinette in that way, using anything and everything, making plans out of thin air. However, he isn't just like me appearance wise, with really the only difference being his raven blue hair. Like his brother, he has an unnatural love of puns and jokes and can make anyone smile. His favorite colors are black and silver and he wants to continue his modeling and fashion studies after college, though has considered looking more into the photography of it. That boy also has an unhealthy love of croissants, which thanks to his mother, he has learned to make from scratch. According to his siblings, there is never a shortage at the Agreste home. He has a soft spot for romance movies and anime, but is really a sucker for anything Marvel. That's right... they still have Marvel in the future. He says that he likes it because of their big thrown-together family. He says it reminds him of ours and the secrets that hold everyone together, biological family and close friends alike. Whatever he does though, Hugo fulfills with intent and purpose. He is much deeper and stronger than what meets the eye, especially being a teenage model.

And last but not least, there's Emma. Though she shares my eyes and hair, she is most certainly a momma's girl. From her smile down to her posture and even to her little habits when something's on her mind, she clearly takes after Marinette. Emma Agreste wants to be a vet when she grows up but would make an excellent lawyer. One trait she no doubt inherits from both of her parents though, is her stubbornness. When she sets her mind on something, she will not give up and not let anyone get in her way. She's strong. Emma loves the color yellow and spa days with Mari. She loves storm clouds and the rain and watching funny videos on YouTube. Emma's favorite animal is a cat but she has a soft spot for any living thing, and because of this has made several attempts to go vegetarian and/or vegan. Apparently that hasn't worked out. Her favorite food is fresh chocolate chip cookies straight from the oven and has watched Tangled at least 28 times. Not to mention future me roped her into Star Wars. She is the captain of her school volleyball team and loves swim team as well... but her favorite thing to do is ski in the Alps on winter mornings and return to the lodge holding a mug of hot cocoa.

And those are our kids. Loyal, funny, and strong, but dangerous, strategic, and stubborn just the same. Two sides of the same coin, like yin and yang, destruction and creation. I feel sorry for the poor soul who gets on their bad side, I'm sure they'll have hell to pay for whatever they did to end up there; but I envy their friends. They have people who would do anything for them and never leave their side.

And I'm proud. Proud of who these children will become. Proud of who I raise them to be. And I will do anything to secure a future that has them in it.

But that isn't all we've learned.

Future Marinette Agreste is every little girl's role model. One of the most famous fashion designers in the country, Mrs. Agreste is known for her hard work, kind spirit, perfect family, handsome business partner I may add, and her incredible products. Anyone who knows her can say that she puts her family first, and she is the best mother and wife a man could ever ask for. She's still spunky and courageous and sweet, but now the world and the media can give her the credit she deserves. In the future, she's recognized with and without the mask, and she deserves every ounce of appreciation that she has earned through her hard work, love, and devotion.

And finally, there's me. Adrien Agreste: father of Paris's golden family, co-owner of my wife's fashion empire, and perhaps most notably, the man who got his wife a hamster with a name tag on the cage that said "hi my name is: Lonliness" for our first anniversary. I always thought I would leave the fashion industry, but apparently when Mari finally took over my Dad's old company, I found a lot more joy in modeling my wife's lines. The kids tell me that I'm an amazing father, but I'm scared all the same. I don't think I know how to be a good parent, I mean, it's not like my dad ever won father of the year, but I know with Mari by my side that we can do anything.

And that's us. That's the Agreste family. We have a life so perfect that everyone just seems to assume that we just put on a good face for the cameras... but it's real. After years of losing and sacrificing and failing, everything is paying off. We get our happily ever after.

Years of shoving puzzle pieces at each other, praying they'll fit, didn't work out. But it's as if by some miracle, the pieces all fell perfectly in line. Fate was finally letting us win.

But now it's this. Everything is at risk because time is falling apart.

So after three weeks of planning and scheming, talking and bonding, I have concluded one thing.

No one can take this future away from me.

Alya's POV
It's been three weeks since the Dubois' have come into town, but something seems off.

Yeah, they're nice and all, but it's like Mari and Adrien have dropped everything and are spending all their time with them.

I mean... they just met! What's with all this bonding and inside jokes? What happened to my best friend?

Now, the responsible girl would confront her friend and said bff's boyfriend and tell them what's bothering her.

The reporter in me, however, took a different approach.

"Come on Nino!" I grabbed my boyfriend's arm after the bell rang, dragging him out of the school. "Let's see just what our disgustingly adorable couple has gotten themselves into."

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