5) Turn Arounds

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Adrien's POV
Detention was boring. There was no other way to put it. I sat there for two hours doing nothing but think about the date I should've been on at that very moment. But no, I was stuck here.

The moment I was released, I began walking in the direction of the bakery. I checked my phone as I made my way down the crowded side walk. 1 message. From Mari.

❤️ 🖤 Bugaboo 😍 😘
Hey! Me, Alya, and Nino are taking the Dubois' on a sightseeing trip. Anyway, I won't be home for a few hours... so unless you want to spend some quality time with my parents, I wouldn't recommend stopping by my house. Cya tonight kitty! 😘

Dang it! There went my plans. I guess Chat Noir would have to pay his princess a visit this evening.

I slowly turned around on the back of my heel, taking my time as I began to make my way back to my lonely, cold, and empty mansion.

- • - • - • - • - • - • - • -
A couple hours later, I sat on my bed staring up at the ceiling. I know... exciting, huh?

"Kid, stop sulking," Plagg encouraged in his signature not-so-encouraging tone. "When I run out of camembert, I don't get all whiny and cry baby-ee."

"Plagg," I groaned. "How does your lack of cheese connect to my loneliness?"

"I don't know, I was just trying to remind you we're out of Camembert." The cheese loving god of destruction shrugged. This was going to be a long night.

As I stood up to walk towards the kitchen (Sabine and Tom have shown me a few tricks), everything went wrong.

The windows shattered and the door flew in. If I hadn't known better, I would say the figure that followed was an akumatized villain. But that couldn't be possible... could it?

The girl appeared to be in her teens. She had orange skin with fire red hair and a striped dress to match it. A charm bracelet sat on her left wrist, jingling as she stepped forward. She cackled as she made her way through the door, trailing her fingers along the walls.

"Well well well... if it isn't Mr. Adrien Agreste. You know Adri," I cringed at the nickname. And some people thought bugaboo was bad! "I bought every one of your magazines. I idolized you. But you chose that Marinette brat. Ugh! And if everything weren't handed to you on a silver platter... then maybe you would've come to the same realization as me... love burns!"

With that, a stream of flames erupted from her fingers, straight at my head. I ducked just in time, though I could still feel the heat as it grazed my face. I couldn't transform right now... not with her watching me. I would have to wait for my buginette to show up before I could do that.

"Come here pretty boy, Sola just wants to play!" This apparent "Sola" cackled. Honestly, I was more annoyed than anything at the moment. It was another fan girl, one who thought they knew me so well though we had never once met... and not to mention she had the audacity to call Marinette a brat! Well let me clear something up, sparky, that "brat" could pulverize you in seconds. I thought.

I dodged another column of flames as I tried to come up with a plan... this run and duck strategy wouldn't keep up for long. I hid behind an overturned table to catch my breath, as a new voice joined the conversation.

"Who are you?" I could recognize my princess's tone anywhere.

"I'm your worst nightmare." Number one issue with super villains. They think that they're "all that" and get cocky. I could practically see M'lady's smirk, matching the one I was beginning to show.

"Adrien! Get out of here!" Ladybug cried. I followed her orders and snuck around her and Sola, who had begun battling it out: fire vs yo-yo. Let's just say that the lava was winning.

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