Chapter One

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      She strutted down the cobblestone path, ignoring confused glances sent her way. There were more people questioning her than she'd hoped, yet it did not gain her surprise. This is Port Royal. Any woman dressed in garments other than a dress was considered inappropriate. She yanked at the hem of her blouse, and skirted out of the grasp of a man's hand.

      "Watch it!" She snarled, throwing daggers at the man. He scanned her entire body before he walked off, and she scoffed. Men. Soon she found her sight wandering to the docks, where a certain man caught her attention. He faced two guards, dreadlocks surrounding his face. she smirked, noticing the hat that rested atop of his head. He stills wears that old thing?  She inched closer, able to fully gaze his face. Jack Sparrow. A grin spread across her face, but soon faltered as a scream broke through the air, and she spotted somebody falling. Whoever it was crashed into the ocean, luckily dodging the sharp rocks that awaited a victim. She didn't dash forward, as she assumed one of the guards Jack had been speaking to would rush to the poor soul's assistance. She hastily watched the scene before her unfold as instead of a Port Royal guard, it was Jack who dove into the water. She waited for him to resurface, her heartbeat slowing with each second. Where is he? Her eyes glazed over the water. Come on, Jack. She silently pleaded, and gasped when Jack popped out of the water, clutching a woman. She spotted royal navy guards running towards the deck, and she made a call. Sorry Jack.  She strode back to the comfort of her ship, guilt weighing down on her with ever step.


      "Captain? Are you okay?" A member of her crew, Roger, asked.

      "Me? I'm perfectly fine, mate." She offered a smile then stalked off to the helm of The Crimson Vengeance, her pride and glory. Julian, her first mate, stood at the wheel, and threw her a concerned glance.

      "Jacqueline, what happened?" She hesitated. Her first mate knew everything there is to know about her. How much should she burden him with?

      "I saw an old friend." A smile crept onto her face as she recalled Jack's face. How I missed that devil. Julian stared at her with raised brows.

      "Captain Jack Sparrow. What a coincidence, right?" She remarked, and Julian frowned.

      "Sparrow, huh? Haven't seen him since..." His voice trailed off, and her grin disappeared as she recalled the last time she'd seen Jack.

      "Yes, well. We're all grown up now. Plus, might not be seeing him for long. Got into trouble already." She chuckled as memories rose to her mind of adventures with the captain. Jacqueline then paused. 

      "I should go find him." Julian gaped at her.

      "Jacqueline, do you think that's a good idea?" She beamed at him.

      "Not at all, Julian. That's exactly why I'm going to do it." 


If you have ever read the Maze Runner, you might want to read what I have to say. Were you dissatisfied with the ending of the Death Cure? Did you think more was needed? Well, look no further. has written such a story.

The Immunity Illness takes you along with Thomas and the others as they try to adjust to their new life...which may not be as safe as everyone thinks. 

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