Chapter Eleven

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      Her dagger began to bore her. Minutes more passed, Elizabeth still nowhere to be seen, not that she was complaining. Jack sat still, his eyes burning into the empty horizon. Jacqueline once again studied her weapon, tracing her finger along her initials carved into the hilt. 

      "Do you remember Spain?" She flinched as Jack at last spoke up. A smile crept on her face as memories with Jack all rushed to her head.

      "Ah, Spain. That was a lovely trip." 

      "Do you remember what I said to you?" She paused, running through her time in that specific country. 

      "You'll have to remind me." She turned to face him, and he wore his usual grin.

      "I said that one day, we'd rule the sea, skipping from island to island, nothing holding us back." Jacqueline's eyes softened, and she remembered that certain conversation.

      "Do you remember what I said?" She asked, crawling towards him.

      "Remind me." His eyes burned into her, and she beamed at him, coming closer. When she reached him, she sat down, leaning her back against his.

      "I said we would sit on the beach, leaning against each other, our faces in the sun." Jack's warmth radiated off of her, and he chuckled lightly.

      "Well, this is not what I meant when I wanted islands." Jack mumbled.

      "I know. I also know I'm getting my end of the deal." Jack laughed, and tilted his head back so that it laid on top of hers. She rested her eyes, and could feel herself dozing off. However, she remained awake, and soon heard footsteps coming towards her. She cracked her eyes open to find that Elizabeth approached them, and Jacqueline concluded she circumnavigated the island.

      "Not that big, is it?" She faced the two.

      "If you're going to shoot me please do it without delay." Jacqueline removed herself from Sparrow, and she analyzed the girl. She had fair skin, long blonde hair, and deep brown eyes that glared at Jack.

      "Is there a problem between us, Ms. Swann?" She leaned forward, wondering the answer to Jack's question.

      "You were going to tell Barbossa about Will for the exchange of a ship." Oh dear. Jacqueline sighed deeply. I need rum.

      "Well we could use a ship. The fact is I was not going to tell Barbossa about bloody Will in exchange for a ship and as long as he didn't know that I would have something to bargain with, which now no one has thanks to stupid Will." Jack hopped off the ground, and offered his hand to Jacqueline. She tossed her dagger aside and accepted it. Elizabeth averted her gaze to the floor.


      "Oh." Jacqueline mocked, her own frustration swelling. Elizabeth faced her now.

      "He still risked his life to save ours." Jack let out a yelp of frustration and started down the beach. Elizabeth stormed after him, and she strutted behind the two.

      "We have to do something to rescue him!" Jacqueline pursed her lips. Jack can handle her. Jack spun around to Elizabeth and shooed her.

      "Go on then, tell me how that turns out." He continued down the shore, and she glared at Elizabeth, although the woman had no idea. They reached the grassy part of the island as Elizabeth said,

      "But you were marooned on this island before. We can escape in the same way you did then." I doubt his 'back hair' can handle that again. A smirk played on her face as Jack whirled to face the blonde once more.

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